Chapter 2

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I heard Thorne and Tord walk in. I was scared. I've never felt so much fear. Please, Tord, you have to leave... she'll kill you! P-please... T-tord... d-do-on't d-d-o-o th-this-s... its n-n-o-ot w-w-roth-th i-it... I'm s-so-or-rry-y... l-lo-o-ov-ve-e.

I followed Thorne into the room and she pulled up two chairs. The office was a huge ass mess. Books and papers all over the floor, blood plastered all over the floor along with a few body parts. I nearly gagged. Pardon, I did gag. It smelt horrible in here. Thorne sat on one of the chairs with a smile on her face. I now noticed the blood on her. Splashes all over her shirt, face, pants, boots, everything! It was horrible. 

"So, who's the person your looking for?" Thorne said, breaking the silence that had fallen overthe room. I made sure to pay attention to the closet. Thats where the muffled noises were coming from. There was no way someone could withstand that stale and horrid air for too long so, I need to keep calm and be quick about this.

"Someone very important to not only me, but many others as well."

"Oh? That sounds like a very important person! What's their name?"

"You are much to excited about this. Umm, their name is Elisia Joan." I said. 'First name and fake last name. Great idea Tord.' I said, scolding myself. I sighed and looked towards Thorne to see her face was deadly serious. I flinched slightly, cursing myself in my head for doing so. 

"You mean Virus Victoia? What value does that bitch hold?" Her tone held venom and I soon relalized my place in this conversation. Prey. 

"Umm... well... she's n-nice... I enjoy her c-company... she d-doesn't yell or g-get too mad a-at people... e-easy t-to be around..."

"Not what I meant Larson. Thin ice my friend. Got it?"

"Yes... w-what do you m-mean th-then?"

"What does a worthless, useless, stupid, moronic bitch mean to you? She is someone who nobody likes. Why do you hold it in such value." Her voice wasnt in a questioning manner or tone. I gulped and thought about it.

"Tord... please tell me you don't h-have anything. It's not worth it." 

A small and frail voice spoke through my ear and I flinched. Thorne raised a brow and I steadily shook my head. 'Voices in my head coming to my aid.

"Was that supose to be sarcastic?"

I yelped this time and Thorne seemed to get a little annoyed.

"Are you done? I asked a question."

"R-right... sorry... I d-dont really have an answer...?"

"Was that a question?"

"Maybe...?" I siad. I didn't mean to say it but I wasn't in control of my voice. A soft glow was in the closet and I glanced at it quickly. 'Red... glow...?'

"Oh so you can see it! Good. Tord, listen to me. You need to leave. She'll kill you if you piss her off even the smallest. You really have a low chance of getting out of this alive. Let me help you and you'll live. I've been tricking her for a few years now, I can handle it. Please, you have to trust me."

'I trust you. Don't get me killed.'

"I wont. I promise."

"So I was wondering if you knew about her where about? Virus Victoria may be important, but I was told to make sure she was alright. A small hint will even get me out of your hair."

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