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So this is the first Author's notes of this book and hopefully the only one I will put in here. So, I'm here, interrupting the story for a bit of character explanation.

First off;
She is a summoned creature Virus brought to life upswing magic. Currently, she is 17 years old. Meaning she has been in the human world for 17 years. Her powers include: telepathy, bubble healing, and fire walls.

She is a dragon hybrid. Half human and half dragon. She tends to stay in her dragon form but doesn't mind looking human for some things. Her dragon powers include: fire breath. Her human powers include: fire manipulation, water manipulation, and healing.

Kira is a human. But she is a human with benefits. She is very quiet and timid due to having and being prone to panic attacks. Her powers include: healing.

Many of you might be wondering who Logan is, well.... it's not important. Anyways, he is just like Kira in the sense that he is a human with benefits. His powers include: healing and a large understand of the world. (He's smart. More than the average human.)

Now you might be confused on to why I've put him in here but that'll be explained later as no human can see Spirt. They can only be seen by those who have even a small trace of magic.

Thorne is a child of great power. She is a half alchemy, half human. Alchemy, for her, is the use of emotional magic or energy. She has lost her sanity due to always during alchemy.

Hope has yet to be introduced, but, she is like Kira and Logan. Her powers include: healing and the gifts of hope. The last one will be explained later in the story.

Karrie is a medic. I've said this before. But, she is also very kind. She is incredibly skilled in the use of emotion magic. She can use that to fight or heal.

She literally just a female Logan.

He is basically the male version of Karrie.

Princess. Nothing too special about her. She's very skilled in the use of swords and is not hesitant to put her life on the line for others.

Klassie older brother. Basically the same as Klassie. Prince.

Kira's older brother. He is the same when it comes to panic attacks. He is timid and tends to keep to himself but can be very sarcastic. He has the power to play with ones mind. He gives people panic attacks.

She has the power to use fire, water, and a golden glow. She is a half wolf hybrid. Her silver hair and red eyes are her only noticeable features of interest.

Rose and Thomas.
Both humans but are very caring and important. Keep them in the back of your minds.

And that lists off all the important characters in this book. Edd, Matt, and Tom are mentioned, and used in flashbacks, but are not really in the book. They act as cameos in this one. The story follows Tord's Point Of View as the story is around Virus's and his relationship and what their willing to do to see each other again. Pau and Pat are cameos as well as they were in the first book. Only in a couple chapters. Pau having a bit more of a role with some dialogue.

Anyways, I hope this helps understand the characters. I will try and find some pictures of the characters. Every time there is a new character, I will be sure to put their photo at the beginning of the story. I hope this helps, I love you all so much!! And enjoy~

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