Chapter 3

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I watched Pau jog up to me and I heard Spirt mumble something incoherent. She seemed to already know what this was about.

"Is he a friend of yours?"

'Yes. Why does he seem so frantic?'

"I'm afraid I do not know. His thoughts are so scattered that it is hard to find what exactly is bothering him."

'That's not good.'

"T-Tord! Sir! I apologize for seeming so frantic b-but something has occurred and you are needed at once."

"What's going on?"

"Something has appeared in the front of the camp. It doesn't seem very friendly."

"vague, but lead the way Pau."

"yes sir. This way."

"Sir? ah right, you are an army leader. Apologies for forgetting. You just seem so nice."

'It's is quite alright. Need you focused tho. In case something happens, please keep an eye out.'

"Of course."

And with that said, I follow after Pau. I exit the building to find a small dragon laying on the ground growling when someone got to close to it. I crept forward. We locked eyes and I bent down.

"Hello there. What is a small dragon like yourself doing in such a dangerous place?" I spoke softly. Spirt hummed and seemed to be very relaxed.


'Man it'd be nice if i knew dragon.'

"I can read her thoughts if you'd like. Translating isn't a problem when you can just read the thoughts."

'I honestly forgot, sorry for that.'

"Quite alright. Anyways, she asked why you were being so nice to her."

"Why wouldn't I? You seem scared. Is there something wrong?"

"she is shocked you responded but says that her wing is broken."

"Oh no. May I see?" The small creature nodded and lifted her wings slightly.

"She asked not to take to long as it hurts to hold them up.

'Right. I'll keep that in mind.'

"I don't doubt that you wont. Oh, she says that you are very kind for asking for her help."

"It is fine. I do not believe in harming a creature that means no harm and came here on accident. This is not my home. I have no right to do anything to it that would harm its owner." I stated calmly while holding the wings carefully. I set them on the ground and caught sight of a small necklace. A beautiful ice blue stone in the middle. Unfortunately the stone is cracked slightly.



"The dragon. She says her name is Darkie. She is great full for your kindness but others are holding weapons and she is quite scared."

'Those idiots. I dont blame them unfortunately. This place is under the current take of that threat.'

"Lay your weapons down. She means no harm. I highly doubt safe can do anything with broken wings. She doesn't seem like the type of creature that would attack for no reason." I said, standingback up. In the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a small floating Spirirt creature. Half of its body was a water type solution while it mixed well with the fire. It did a pattern of water and fire. (Picture above)

"Oh you can see me? Thats new. Hello. Our little dragon friend can see me too." Spirt calmly stated and I looked to her completely. I sighed and looked back to the dragon.

"May I pick you up? I wish to bandage your wounds." She nodded and I picked her up gently. Her head rest on my shoulder while her claws, which were dull, were on my jacket. Her tail wrapped around my torso and Spirt seemed quite surprised.

"I am simply shocked that she has taken a liking to you so quickly. Dragons are known to be very skidish. Not many people are able to see them. It takes quite the time for one to warm up to humans."

'That's intriguing. What makes me so likeable then?'

"Ask her. I'm sure she will not mind."

"Pardon, Mister?" Someone spoke behindme and I turned my attention towards them. A small girl with her hair in a simple ponytail. Silver Army uniform but a skidish personality.


"I was wondering if I could help. I know a few things about mythical creatures and how they heal." Her voice was quiet and she seemed very timid.

"Oh, my name is Kira. Kira Night." Darkie purred and soon jumped onto the girls shoulders. Rubbing her head against her cheek, Kira walked over to a small make shift healing shed. Setting a few potions and bandages on a table, Kira got to work. Darkie never left her shoulder tho.

"Seems like this dragon might know us or something. I do not believe I've met a creature so acceptingof human kind."

'That's one way of putting it.'

"Please. I have only known the legends master told me and what Thorne has read. Allow me a bit more freedom when coming across new species."

'Of course. I did not mean to offend you.'

"You didnt. I believe its fun watching your reactions to my comments."

'Your a jerk sometimes. You know that, right?'

"Yes. I am quite aware."

"Who is your friend sir?" Kira said. I turned my attention to her and saw that the small dragon staring at me.

"Who? Pardon if I am a small bit confused." Kira giggled lightly.

"you sound like Katty. Sorry. I was talking about the one you happen to be talking to. The small Sprit."


"That is my species. I am a Sprit named Spirt."


"Her name is Spirt. Umm...she is the reason I am still alive as I'm sure that lovely young lady wants me dead."

"Grimm but understandable. Anyways. Your dragon friend here will be healed in no time now."

"What did you do? If you don'tmind Me asking."

"Not at all. Ms. Virus had me here as I specialize in mythical creature healing and medicine. Therefor I know much about healing the unnatural. I came to you because I'd like to help you help Virus."


"I don't mean to force you, but... Thorne took my love and I'd love to help them. Along with Virus, Thorne has taken many people and kept them hidden somewhere. I'd like to help you help them."

"It would be quite wise to accept their offer. We need as many mythical experts. A healer is the perfect place to start. Not good at fighting but bright and very knowledgeable."

"Very well. My name is tord. The sprit is named Spirt. Do you know where to start this mission of ours?"

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