Chapter 8

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'Was.... was that real...?'

I sighed as Spirt shook her head. She seemed concerned. She can hear my thoughts, but... doesn't know what's going on...? Meaning... that was real. My mind wasn't playing tricks on me. I felt extremely tired even tho I just woke up. My body felt drained of energy.

"Are you okay Tord?" Kira's voice spoke through the silence.

"Y-ya... I think so a-at least."

"Can I ask something?"

"Go a-ahead." My voice was weak as I felt I didn't have a lot of energy.

"Why.... were you.... Umm..." raising a brow in confusion I shook my head.

"If your a-asking I-if I know if I-I d-did something, I-I kn-now nothing."

"Oh... well then. Don't be surprised if you feel tired then. I'll explain later, but try not to kill yourself." He voice was quiet and I listened closely, nodded after she was done.



"What happened?"

'In what? I have already told you I don't know what just happened.'

"That's not what I meant. You were healing someone in your sleep. Who? What was your dream about that it affected the real world?"

'I.... I'm honestly not sure. I'm jacking a hard time figuring out what I just went through.'

"Well, what did you see?"

"Remember, you can never tell anyone about this if you get out. They will think you are crazy. What you say will make you seem like a lunitic. Keep your mouth shut."

'I don't remember. Bits and pieces, but nothing set in stone. Sorry.'

"Alright. Just please do not bottle up what you are feeling. It is-"

'Good to talk about your feelings as to not become a rude hobbit. Correct?'


I sigh as I look towards Darkie who had the most concerned and worried face on. Her eyes held shock, disbelief, fear, and something I can't recognize. Sighing again, I try and get up, only to be pushed down by Darkie. I open my mouth to argue but shut it promptly as a killing headache racks throughout my brain. Holding my head, I felt dizzy.

'Now that I think about it. This is what she did when we locked eyes. Held her head and soon passed out due to a pain overload.'


'No one of too much concern. Don't worry about it.'

Looking down to my right side, cuts and rips could be seen all over that side. I guessed in pain as a new cut formed. Darkie and Spirt were the first to take immediate notice. Lookin towards each other, nodding then looking back at me. I flinched when their eyes met mine.

"What sort of moron are you!?" Darkie yelled and I hissed in pain.

"What do you mean!? I didn't do this!"

"No you didn't, but a fucking bound spell!?"

"Bound spell? The hell is that?"

"It's a spell that connects two people together. If one feels pain, the other will as well. Cuts get transferred to each person as someone gets injured. You. Are a literal moron! Who?"

My breath hitches as Virus immediately appeared in my head. Only, the image was blurry. You could hardly tell it was her. Spirt growled as she huffed and her body went a completely colour of red. The fire burning rapidly.

'N-never seen you so mad b-before...'

"That is because this is not your fault. Thorne knows all sorts of bounding spells. Virus and you know zero. She's trying to kill two birds with one stone. If we don't get that spell off of the two of you, you could must certainly die."

'Grim. How?'

"I have no idea."

'That.... is a problem.'

Hissing in pain again, a cut formed on my left check. My lungs felt heavy and I passed out. I slipped out of control. My body fell limp and hit the ground. I could still hear things, but I couldn't move. My eyes were closed and I was having a very hard time staying conscious.

"Don't struggle. It will only hurt you two more. Tord!"

'Funny... I thought I just.... heard..... some.......'

My brain stopped thinking and I completely fell asleep.

Waking up in the same place as last time I was here, I sighed as I groaned a small bit. A soft red and silver glow imitated off of my wounds and they started healing. I heard a yelp and someone starting to panic.

"This-! w-why.... Thorne.... you were so kind as a kid.... what h-happened...?"

"Maybe something trauma inducing." I said and I heard them gasp. I was laying in the ground looking up to the sky as a head blocked my view.
"Hello lovely. What might you be doing back here with me?"

"Tord...." her eyes held content but also fear, happiness, and something else. Love.

"Yes?" I asked playfully as Virus moved a small bit and laying beside me. Her head rested on my right shoulder as her right hand hovered over my wounds and helped heal them faster.

"So I guess this is why you could see Spirt. Healing. Funny." She said softly as all the wounds soon healed completely. Hers left as well. My body felt relaxed as safe. I gave a content sigh as my body relaxed. My eyes slipped close and I soon awoke back with Kira and the others.

"Tord! Ah! Thanks goodness! Your not side stepping this one now! Your human, correct?"

"Ye-.... I'm not sure."

"Not a clear answer. Are. You human?"

"Yes. But not entirely."

"So like me and Lo. Your human with benefits. Cool. Do you know what benefit you have?" She raised a brow and I nodded my head.

'Virus just fucking told me. But that'd be crazy talk saying out loud. "Oh, how did you talk to her Tord?" Oh I don't know, waking up in a field with green grass and flowers I guess. She was there too! It was magical!~ right. Like that'll ever work.'

"The hell are you going on about? Field of green and flowers? Your right for saying it sounds crazy."

'Thank you so much Spirt.'

I glared at Spirt and then turned my attention towards Kira.

"So what benefit do you have?"

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