Chapter 6

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'We've got this. I can tell.'

We all started walking again after getting a small bit more rest. Spirt had stayed relatively quiet, odd, but I didn't question her. Kira and Logan were either talkingto each other or helping us. Darkie still had yet to return and everyone seemed on edge about it. The small wolf, or Lacey, was following me and stayed close just in case. Spirt was floating beside me, deep in thought.

"Hey look! We made it!" Kira said and we all looked towards the building. It was huge. My eyes widened and a small child was running around. They had long brown hair and pretty chocolate brown eyes. They were wearing a simple black fluffy dress and black flats. Their eyes caught mine and they giggled.

"Awe, shes such a cutie"

Spirt said catching my attention. Smiling softly, I shook my head.

'She May be cute, but we still don't know where this Hope person is.'

I thought and she huffed. A girl with black hair, tips dipped in white and piercing red eyes walked up beside me. She had a simple outfit on. Black tank top, pants and boots. She glanced at me and her stare was unsettling.



"My name. I'm the dragon your friend so graciously healed my wings."


"Anyways. I wouldn't trust the small girl too much. Her name is Lust. She's very... persuasive."

"That doesn't sound... pleasant."

"Her name is more than just a label. You'll notice that about a lot of the people in this town."


"Yup. Welcome to the Abandoned City." She said, moving her arms upwards as if to jester to the whole city. My eyes went in front and widened at the size of this so called 'city'.

'This is going to be impossible...'

"I unfortunately agree. We have no clue what Ms. Hope looks like and this place is a small mess. We are unfamiliar with this land."

'Thank you so very much.'

"Your welcome...?"

'never mind.'

My eyes looked around and I noticed that some people looked rather passed. Staying out of trouble might be a bit more difficult than I originally thought. I sighed as I looked towards Kira and Logan. Darkie jumped on my shoulders, changing again, while almost tipping me over. Kira and Logan watched the small girl. Lust, as I now know, walked over to Kira with a fake smile.


"Hm? Yes?"

"d-do you kn-know where m-my m-mommy i-is?" She gavea fake cry and my face drooped to a 'really' face. Her eyes caught mine and I raised a brow.

"May I help you?" I asked, and Kira,along with Logan, glanced to me. Kira looked about ready to kill me for being rude while Logan raiseda brow.

"wats rude mister!"

"Well, your nam is Lust from what I heard and seeing as this place using action related nameing I would assume your trying to win us over." He mouth dropped open and Kira quickly got up forming her crutches position. Darkie stiffened a laugh and I glanced to her.

"H-how do you know what my name is!?" I pointed to Darkie and nearly got my hand bitten. Lust and Darkie glared at each other while I stood still, a small bit bored. Spirt giggled and shook her head as Darkie and Lust continued to glare at each other. Kira and Logan had gone a small bit ahead, but not to far. They went to find some materials. Darkie was about to go as well but turned her attention towards the small 'child'.

"If your going to fight, get off me." I stated but my complain was ignored by both. Spirt was still giggling but was trying to hide it this time. I sighed and started walking after Kira and Logan. Catching up to the two, we walked, well I, walked into Logan pecking Kira's cheek. Shacking myheadI walked past them and started looking for the building. When I walked past them Kira's face flushed brightly. Chuckling, I payed no mind to it. 

Finally finding the building, Darkie jumped off of my shoulder. Pushing off me she landed on the ground and sniffed the air. I pulled out my flash light and turned it on,looking around. Kira and Logan stayed close to me. Sneaking our way in, we started our search for Hope, the one person able to stop Thorne. Darkie had jumped back onto my shoulders after a while and I ignored it. 

'Lazy ass dragon.'

I grumbled in my head but stayed quiet. Darker had glanced at me and we both shook it off. This place was unsettling. We needed to make this quick as I didn't feel all too well. Darkie seemed much more tired than she was while both Logan and Kira seemed fine. Spirt had stayed quiet, nothing unusual, but unnerving. 

Moans and groans filled the air as some of the flooring and walls were old and about to fall apart. Creeks and grumbles sounded and all of us stopped moving. Soon the world went black. I couldn't see. My flash light didn't light anything. It stopped working.

Groaning in pain, I glanced around the small closet again. I tried healing but something seemed to stop me from healing. Sighing quietly to myself, I laid my head down on the ground and tried to get some sleep. My mind has been so filled with thoughts of worry, my pain has gone numb. The cuts no longer stung against the rope. The bruise didnt burn. The rope burn I had was fuzzing. My vision blurred as I slipped into unconsciousness. 

The world was so pretty. Flowers and green lush grass filled the hills and pathways. My eyes stared at the empty sky. It was peaceful, but... too peaceful. I wasn't at peace. I was on edge. I hada horrible feeling in my gut as I sat up. I looked around and my eyes came apon a body laying roughly 30 feet away. I squinted my eyes to try and identify them but they were to far away. They soon groaned, I think, and sat up looking around. They seemed on edge. I raised a brow but didnt question much of it. It was a dream. Nothing about this is real.

Or is it?

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