I am NOT [ready]

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This is basically just like a little introduction to the series to show a little bit of what they're like, so there isn't much going on...

I'm really excited to start this! Also, I have to give huge huge credit to my sister Jenny, not only for making the cover for this book, but also for helping me with the ideas!

Let's get started then!

PUBLISHED: 05/24/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

September 1.

Also known as the most stressful day of the school year. Getting to the train station, trying not to be spotted running through the wall that would lead to Platform 9 ¾, towing your luggage onto the train and finding your friends and an empty compartment...

Luckily, Felix and his friend Chan had found each other pretty quickly and the two Gryffindors were now sitting across from each other, exchanging chocolate frog cards and talking about their summer.

"I got Harry Potter again..." Felix said in a disappointed tone. He already owned at least eight cards of 'the boy who lived' which pissed him off because he really wanted to complete his collection. Chan chuckled at Felix' sulky expression and checked his own photocard.

"I got Dumbledore... same old, same old..." he said, albeit way less disappointed.

Felix ate his chocolate frog and looked towards the glass door where three Slytherins were currently passing by, probably searching for an empty compartment. He made eye contact with one of them; Seo Changbin, sixth year prefect and also Felix' long time crush. As usual, he was accompanied by his friends Hwang Hyunjin, who was in Felix' year and Lee Minho, who was in Chan's year.

"You should talk to him," Chan said, following his gaze. Felix blushed. He knew that Chan was fully aware of his feelings for Changbin, which was why he didn't bother denying the fact that he had them in the first place. However, he didn't think he could just go up to the sixth year and ask him out. He'd never even really spoken to Changbin before and he probably never would.

"I can't... you don't like the Slytherins..." Felix answered, a half-assed excuse.

Chan patted his shoulder. "It doesn't really matter what I think of them. Besides, the only one I don't like is Minho," he told the younger, his tone taking on a bitter note when he mentioned his fellow seventh year. "I don't know his friends and if you like Changbin, you should ask him out," he added.

"I don't know... right now, I'm not ready..." Felix said, eager to change the subject.

Luckily, Chan seemed to sense that, since he started talking about something else. "Rumor has it that I'll have Potions with the Slytherins this year." He sounded displeased, but Felix didn't have to ask why. "The mere thought of having to be in a dark dungeon with Lee Minho pisses me off," Chan complained.

Felix chuckled. He knew what Chan thought of Minho and it was kind of funny to see him all fussy about sharing a class with him. "Well, you can always just ignore him..."

The compartment door opened before Chan could answer and a pretty, brunette girl poked her head inside. "Here you are, Captain. Just wanted to let you know that I'm looking forward to try-outs!" Chan smiled at her. Felix knew who this girl was, she was a Gryffindor in her seventh year, going by the name of Son Eunseo.

"Good, we got some Chaser spots to fill! I'll see you there," Chan said. He'd been offered the position as Quidditch team captain at the beginning of last year. Felix couldn't think of anyone who could do the job better than Chan. The older was a really good Chaser and an even better leader.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now