I am NOT [reckless]

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Hey everyone! 

First off, I'm so sorry for not updating last week! I just wasn't inspired at all for this au...but today I bring you a minchan filler!

The idea is actually from someone on twitter (@/goldenjung9497). Her ao3 is megaotaku98 - you should definitely check out her stories, cause she's an amazing writer! And the reason I'm able to upload this one shot today.

I'm probably going to upload the series bi-weekly for the next two one shots because they're probably going to turn out pretty long, so I hope you won't mind that. 

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy!

PUBLISHED: 10/05/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

If you asked Chan about his favorite way to de-stress the answer was very simple: Quidditch.

Whenever exam season and endless studying got the best of him, he just took a break, grabbed his broomstick and headed to the Quidditch field. Sometimes his boyfriend would accompany him, but lately he'd been practicing on his own a lot.

On top of that, his team also had some of Gryffindor's most-talented players, so that definitely lifted his spirits a lot.

Today, Chan was practicing alone, before dinner. Gryffindor had a friendly game against Hufflepuff the next day and then there was the endgame against Slytherin. Chan wanted to be in his very best form for it.

This was his last year at Hogwarts, so winning the season would be an amazing way to go.


"How was practice?" Minho questioned when Chan walked into the Great Hall with a confident smirk on his face.

His boyfriend was sitting with Jinwoo and Mina. The couple was sharing some chicken and Chan noticed that Mina was dipping hers into a bowl of chocolate pudding. Mina made a face but chose not to comment on it. He didn't want to mess with a pregnant woman.

"It went great. It feels like we basically already won the game against Hufflepuff," Chan replied, letting himself fall onto the seat next to Minho's.

Minho raised his eyebrow at his boyfriend's words. "Well, somebody sounds confident. What makes you so sure?"

"Apart from the fact that my team is amazing, you mean?" Chan said, only half-joking. "My techniques have improved a lot. I'm doing really good these days."

Minho chuckled. "Well, I'm glad you have a good feeling about this game, but be careful, please. Only because you're good, doesn't mean you should get reckless," he warned the older, who just waved off.

"I'm always careful!"


"Is that what he calls careful?!" Minho exclaimed the next day while – quite painfully – clutching onto Hyunjin's arm. His eyes were glued on his boyfriend who had just thrown the Quaffle through Hufflepuff's middle goal post while only barely managing to escape a bludger.

"If he keeps this up, he'll break his neck before he can play against us next week!" Hyunjin stated.

"I'll murder him before that happens! I told him to be fucking careful!" Minho exclaimed.

Chan was in possession of the Quaffle again and was making his way towards the goal posts again. A bludger came flying towards him again, but he either didn't see or didn't care.

Minho – and the rest of the crowd – let out a collective gasp when Chan threw the Quaffle through the left goal post and turned away with a triumphant grin only to be thrown off his broomstick by the bludger he had ignored before.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now