I am NOT [good at this]

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Hi everyone! I am back with a soft Changlix today! It's kind of a filler because I couldn't really finish the one shot I had planned for today (I kinda made them the filler couple by accident...). 
This one's really soft and that's mainly thanks to my sister who wrote almost half of the one shot (because I really suck at writing full-on fluff). 
I hope you guys will like it!

PUBLISHED: 08/31/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

Everyone who knew Seo Changbin would probably say that he wasn't much of a romantic. Changbin himself, would agree 100%.

He wasn't necessarily cold; he just didn't really know how to express his feelings very well. The only person he was entirely comfortable around was Hyunjin, but that was solely because the younger Slytherin was his best friend who had tried to break through Changbin's shell from the very beginning.

Now, in his sixth year at Hogwarts he was dating the softest, most kind-hearted person he knew. Felix.

Felix liked to do romantic stuff, such as go on dates or just cuddle. He had prepared a whole Valentine's Day surprise for Changbin who hadn't even thought about coming up with something to give him until the very last minute. Changbin didn't hate the affection and attention Felix gave him, on the contrary, he secretly relished in it.

And that was just the problem. He did it secretly.


"Do you want to go to the lake later? It's pretty warm outside," Felix suggested one morning while the two of them sat at the Slytherin table, eating breakfast with Seungmin and Hyunjin.

"Sure, why not," Changbin replied. Felix' face brightened up; his smile leaving the sun jobless.

"Great! I have to go now, I promised Eric to let him copy my Defense Against the Dark Arts homework," the Gryffindor said and rose from his seat. He leaned down to give Changbin a peck on the cheek. "See you later, Binniebunny," he added teasingly before taking off.

Changbin tried not to blush at the nickname and just looked down at his plate to avoid his best friend's shit-eating grin.

"Say, Changbin. Do you ever actually tell Felix that you like him?" the younger Slytherin asked his best friend. Changbin did look up at that.

"What do you mean? He knows that!" he said defensively.

Hyunjin sighed. "Yeah, he does, but do you actually remind him? Show him?"

Changbin gave him a blank stare. "Um... what is this about?"

Another sigh, this time from Seungmin. "I think what Hyunjinnie's trying to say is that Felix could start feeling like you don't like him if you don't make an effort to show him that," he advised the older.

"We don't want to put things in your head, but it's just something we've observed..." Hyunjin added.

Maybe it was a little bit embarrassing to get unwanted dating advice from the two younger guys, but he would be lying if he said that it didn't spark his attention. He didn't want Felix to feel sad because of him...

"How do I do that? How do I... show him?" Changbin questioned. Hyunjin and Seungmin exchanged looks.

"Binnie... not to step on your toes or anything, but... did you ever, you know, date anyone before Felix?" Hyunjin asked him carefully. Changbin averted his gaze, suddenly finding his cup of pumpkin juice much more interesting.

"You didn't, did you?" Seungmin caught on.

Changbin pouted. "So what if I didn't..."

"It just explains a lot. I know you're not easy to get through to. Felix likes you enough to keep trying, though... so why don't you finally let him in? Tell him how you feel about him. Be confident!" Hyunjin said enthusiastically.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now