I am NOT [the end]

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Hey, look who's updating two Thursdays too late! 
I've really been looking forward to posting this because while this may seem like the end of this series, due to the school year being over and everything, it's not! But, I won't ramble much now and let you read first. 

I do have something important to say at the end, though, so yea...

But for now! Here's the one shot with a little bit of all the ships (I think). My sister wrote like half of this, so I once again, have to thank her so much because I couldn't have finished it without her help

PUBLISHED: 11/29/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

It was already the last day of Jisung's fifth year at Hogwarts.

The Ravenclaw had made it a tradition to sneak out to the lake on the last night to think. He looked at the calm water as the soft moonlight reflected on it. Jisung didn't remember when he had started this habit, but it helped clear his mind and he found comfort in it.

He thought about how quickly the year had flown by and how much had happened.

At the beginning of the school year, he would've never imagined finding himself in a real relationship or to fight for a girl. Jisung smiled at the thought.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice the figure emerging from the woods. He jumped in surprise, taking a closer look. It seemed to be a wolf or some kind of dog – and it was approaching him.

He thought about backing away, but the dog looked peaceful.

"Hey, there buddy," Jisung said, reaching out his hand to gain the dog's trust.

However, the dog didn't hesitate to sit down next to him like it already knew him. Jisung shrugged it off, not really minding the company.

"You know, you're lucky you're a dog... you don't have to worry about school and the future...and relationships." The dog gave him a look like it was urging him to elaborate. "I have a girlfriend and she's great but she's graduating this year..." he trailed off with a sigh, absent-mindedly patting the dog's soft, gray fur.

"And I just don't know if a long-distance relationship will work out."

The dog looked at him as if he was going to say something along the lines of "sorry, bro. That must suck."

Jisung ruffled the dog's fur. "Why am I telling you this? It's not like you can help me. But thanks for listening, buddy..." he smiled.

He didn't know if he was imagining it, but the dog seemed to look a little upset. It came closer and lay down next to him with its head resting on Jisung's thigh.

Jisung chuckled at the endearing sight and continued petting the dog.

"You're such a gorgeous dog... I almost wish I could keep you," he mumbled. He couldn't help but wonder if it had an owner. The only person with a dog around here was Hagrid, but this wolf-like dog clearly wasn't Fang.

The dog looked up at him and Jisung noticed a violet shimmer in its brown eyes. It seemed kind of familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in realization.

"Shit! I have to get back to the castle and pack the rest of my stuff!" he exclaimed.

The dog seemed alarmed, jumping to its paws and running off towards the castle. Jisung furrowed his brows as he watched the silver animal run off.

"What a weird dog... cute, though," he mumbled to himself. Jisung got up and dusted himself off before sneaking back to his dorm.


I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now