I am NOT [cute]

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The time has finally come! I am back with an almost 23k Seungjin (aka the longest one shot I have ever written...this is longer than some of my fics!) This one shot is one of my favs so far (then again, they're my babies so they're all my favs...) I never wanted it to be this long, but I hope it's okay for you guys...

My sister Jenny actually took part in some of the writing for this one as well as helping me out with the idea because she loves this one shot the most!

There's something I wanna clear up tho. There's going to be a little bit of suggestive humor (like in some of the previous one shots too) nothing too significant, but since they're minors I felt the need to point it out, in case it makes anyone uncomfortable. And there are gonna be some spicy scenes (no smut, tho, of course!!! Simply a little bit of shirtlessness). It's mostly gonna be fluff, tho, so yea...

Also, Hyunjin is labeled as a hoe but he doesn't actually sleep around, since he's a minor and all. He's just dating lots of people! Don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, so I put this little warning.

Anyway, I'm done, thank you in advance for reading this and I hope you'll like it!

PUBLISHED: 06/28/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

One might think that a Quidditch announcer would notice a drop dead gorgeous Slytherin star Chaser slash classmate earlier.

Well, Kim Seungmin wasn't really all that interested in the sport or the players. He wasn't even a real Quidditch announcer. He just filled in for an upperclassman from time to time.

He'd transferred to Hogwarts halfway through his fourth year and most of the time he just focused on his studies to keep up. Now, he was kind of ahead but studying calmed him. That was why he kept doing it.

And that was probably why he'd never really paid attention to Hwang Hyunjin.

All he had heard about the guy was a bunch of unflattering rumors. Seungmin wasn't interested in rumors, so he never really bothered to find out who Hyunjin even was.

Big mistake.


"I don't get this..." Jeongin, Hufflepuff fourth year and one of Seungmin's closest friends, declared one snowy December morning when they sat in near the entrance of the Hogwarts library. He slammed the borrowed Transfigurations book shut and crossed his arms, pouting cutely at his lack of understanding for the subject.

Seungmin smiled and patiently opened the book again. "It's pretty easy, actually. See, you wave your wand like this," he made a swift motion with his wand, "and you have to be careful to pronounce it correctly and then you're good..."

Jeongin was still pouting and averted his gaze from the book. His face brightened up when he spotted someone entering the library.

"Hyunjin!" he called out.

Seungmin followed the younger's gaze – and his heart skipped several beats.

A Slytherin approached their table, looking at Jeongin fondly. He was tall and had luscious black hair. His full lips were stretched into a smile. In short: this guy was nothing short of a god in human form. Maybe he had Veela ancestors.

"Hey," Hyunjin greeted Jeongin. "Studying for Transfiguration again?" he questioned, though he seemed to already know the answer. Jeongin's pout returned and he nodded.

"Seungmin here is helping me but I still don't get it," he said.

Hyunjin looked at Seungmin and recognition flashed over his face. "Oh, hey, we have Defense Against the Dark Arts together, right?" he addressed him.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now