I am NOT [scared of anything]

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Okay first off I am so sorry for the delay! I tried to get this one shot finished on time, but it just didn't work out. 

Anyway, today I am back with a somewhat special thing, I guess? You'll see what I mean. We have a little bit of Changlix and Seungjin in this one and we meet a few side-characters yay!

I hope you guys will like this one. It really took a long time to finish lol...

PUBLISHED: 09/07/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

There was one thing Changbin had tried to ban from his mind ever since the Prefects' meeting at the beginning of the school year.

The camping trip.

The fifth years would go camping for a weekend to learn about Magical Creatures and Herbology.

In reality the school just needed as many hands as possible to gather plants to fill the Herbology stock.

That wasn't Changbin's problem though. He just absolutely hated camping. He would have to come along as a chaperone prefect, just like all his fellow sixth year prefects.

Call him spoiled, but he had never even thought about spending a night in a tent in the middle of some woods. He preferred a nice warm bed and his parents agreed with him. They would have never forced him to go on a camping trip with them.

Hogwarts was different though.

They didn't care about what Changbin wanted.

Why would they?

"At least you'll be with Felix," Hyunjin said in an attempt to cheer him up. It was the evening before the trip and as usual the younger was sprawled all over Changbin's lap like the kitten he probably secretly was. "And me, of course," he added cheekily, even having the nerve to make a cute pose and bat his eyelashes at Changbin.

Changbin flicked his forehead as a response. "I can just be with Felix in a place that isn't full of bugs and completely out in the open!" he complained.

Hyunjin laughed at him. "I'm sure it's not gonna be that bad. Seungmin's really looking forward to it..." he said.

Changbin sighed and shook his head at his friend. It was cute how whipped Hyunjin was for Seungmin, but that didn't change anything about this horrible camping trip that was about to ruin an otherwise perfectly fine weekend.


"Felix! Where are you going our bus is that way," Jisung called out, pointing at the larger one of the two buses that would take them merlin-knows-where for their camping weekend.

Felix looked around to make sure that nobody was paying attention to them. "I know," he whispered dramatically. "I want to sneak into the prefects' bus to be with Changbin!"

Jisung rolled his eyes. "You're hopeless..." he said. He let Felix turn away and made his way into the right bus. Jisung entered the bus to see Hyunjin and Renjun sitting further in the back. He walked over and let himself fall into the seat behind theirs.

"Where's Felix?" Renjun questioned, turning around to look at his fellow Ravenclaw.

"He's trying to sneak onto the prefects' bus," Jisung replied.

Hyunjin snorted in amusement. "Good luck getting past Professor Sprout. She's like a guard dog," he spoke up.

As if on cue, a defeated-looking Felix entered their bus. Jisung couldn't suppress a laugh at his friends' pouty face, as he scooted over into the window seat and let him sit next to him.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now