I am NOT [a friend]

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Heyy look at me not posting super late for a change!

I'm back with a new one shot for you guys. I know I said that this one was most likely going to be Changlix again but I had to switch some things up, so I will bring you Jisung and Eunseo today. It's short and in my opinion, it's also not the best thing I've ever written but I hope you guys will like it anyway!

Let's get started!

PUBLISHED: 09/20/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020


The Ravenclaw in question jumped in surprise, shooting the librarian an apologetic look for the disturbance, before glancing up at the person who had caused it in the first place.

Out of all the people who could have possibly disrupted his studies, he definitely hadn't expected to see Lee Jangjun.

The seventh year grinned and took the seat across from Jisung, loosening his Slytherin tie.

"Um... what can I do for you?" Jisung questioned in confusion. He didn't think he had ever exchanged more than two words with Jangjun, so he couldn't imagine what he could possibly want from him.

"What's Eunseo's favorite food?" Jisung's brows furrowed.

He was getting more confused by the second. "Steak, why?"

Jangjun grinned again. "Well, it's her birthday soon, so I figured I could try asking her out," he said.

Jisung spluttered, unsure if he had heard that correctly. "You want to what? Why the hell would you ask her out and come to me about it?" he asked, raising his voice a little bit too much. When he looked up the librarian was just wordlessly pointing at the door. Jisung bowed his head in apology.

"Well, you're her friend, aren't you? I just figured you'd know what she likes," Jangjun replied to his earlier question.

Jisung looked at him, trying to figure out if he was playing games with him. He seemed to genuinely believe that he was nothing more than was Eunseo's friend, though.

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm not her friend. We're dating. We have been dating since January," he clarified, his tone sour.

Jangjun's eyes widened almost comically. He rose from his seat again. "That definitely changes things. Sorry for asking. You just didn't give off a couple-vibe, so I figured you were like her gay friend or something," he explained.

Her gay friend?

Was that what he seemed like to people?

"Well you're mistaken!" Jisung answered bitterly. He gathered his books and also rose from his seat before leaving the library without further words.

He wasn't exactly angry, rather confused. Did he really not seem like Eunseo's boyfriend at all? Apparently not, if guys even came to him for dating advice regarding his girlfriend.

"If you keep glaring like that you'll burn a hole into someone," a female voice spoke up, ripping him from his thoughts.

He hadn't even realized that he was in the courtyard near the Transfigurations classroom until he looked up to find out, who was talking to him.

Mina, Jinwoo's girlfriend, was sitting underneath a tree with a book in her lap.

"Sorry," Jisung said with a sigh. "What's bothering you?" his fellow Ravenclaw questioned. Jisung slumped his shoulders and sat down across from her in the grass. He didn't answer immediately, unsure how to explain the problem. In the end, he settled for a simple question.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now