I am NOT [who I used to be]

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Hi! I'm back with yet another Minchan! Can you tell that they're my fav ship? (There's gonna be more Jisung soon, I promise). 

Sorry, this is so late! My lazy ass couldn't get to proof read this and the upload got kinda fucked up. I did a half-assed job with the proof reading, so if you see any typos, I'm really sorry! I'm also sorry for this one shot...you'll see why lol. And it's not the best one I've ever written...

As always, my sister Jenny came up with most of the idea for this one shot! 

Let's get started!

PUBLISHED: 07/06/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

People said that old habits die hard.

Minho agreed with that.

He used to be known as one of the biggest flirts in Hogwarts – or a hoe, but Minho preferred the term flirt – for around two years. Then, at the beginning of his seventh year, he had started dating Bang Chan, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which he didn't regret one bit. He loved spending time with Chan and just being someone's boyfriend. He had grown to like depending on someone who also depended on him.

It was just that, despite being Chan's boyfriend, he was also still himself.

In Minho's defense, he was a natural flirt. He always had been. Most of the time he didn't even realize it right away. So, when he started falling back into habit and subconsciously flirting with other guys, it took him a while to realize that his boyfriend wasn't exactly happy about it.


"Good practice today, Minho," a random Slytherin called out to him when he came into the entrance hall with Chan, who had waited for him after Quidditch practice.

"Thanks," Minho replied with a wink.

Chan gave him a look and waited until the guy disappeared before speaking up. "Are you serious? This is the third guy you've winked at in the past 10 minutes," he pointed out. He didn't sound amused, not at all.

Minho thought about his words. The third? He hadn't even noticed. Though that was probably not what he should say to calm him.

"I'm sorry, Channie... it's a reflex," he apologized, trying his award-winning smile on the older, who didn't even budge.

"Those guys think they have a chance with you if you keep doing that. You know I'm not possessive, but I also don't want to lose you to one of those thirsty dudes," he muttered in a displeased tone.

The Slytherin stopped walking and reached for his boyfriend's sleeve to hold him back as well. "You're not going to! I'm sorry, okay? I'll work on it, I promise..." he assured the older. He didn't want Chan to be mad at him. Luckily, his apology seemed to have worked because Chan nodded, and his features softened a little bit.

Minho had meant his words. He was really going to work on his habit. He wasn't even interested in all those other guys, and sometimes girls, who threw themselves at him; he never had been in the first place. They had mostly served as a way to pass the time before he'd started dating Chan.

The older was the first guy he'd ever actually been with and he liked him too much to jeopardize that.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Chan switched subjects. Minho was glad that his boyfriend wasn't holding any grudges and the atmosphere between them had already gone back to normal. He interlaced their hands.

"I'd much rather have you to myself. Hogsmeade is always so crowded. We could do something alone," he suggested.

Chan chuckled. "Why does everything you say automatically sound more suggestive than it probably is?" he joked. Minho grinned, happy to have made Chan smile.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now