I am NOT [gay]

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I'm back!

Again, my sister helped me with the idea for this. We're not the best when it comes to titles so forgive us if they're a bit lame sometimes.

Updates will probably be every Thursday from now on!

PUBLISHED: 05/31/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

The first thing people thought of when someone mentioned Park Jinwoo was a cuddly Hufflepuff teddy bear who was friends with practically everyone, regardless of gender, house or blood status. Jinwoo was not only known for being head boy but also for giving the best hugs ever – Hyunjin's words, not his. The young Slytherin was known as a hoe around Hogwarts but that didn't stop Jinwoo from cuddling the boy from time to time.

"Jinwoo..." a fellow Hufflepuff, named Jeongin, called out to him one afternoon when Jinwoo was studying in the library. The fourth year let himself fall down on a chair across from him.

"What is it, Jeonginnie?" Jinwoo asked the obviously distressed boy.

"The school year has just started last week and I'm already failing Transfigurations... help me, please?"

Jinwoo chuckled at the younger. "Of course, what exactly don't you get?" Jeongin breathed a sigh of relief and got his Transfigurations book out of his book bag.

"I have to transform a teacup into a pigeon and I just can't figure it out," he complained. The older Hufflepuff took the book and let his eyes skim over the page. "Somehow, I only manage to turn my cup into a frog..." Jeongin said with a pout on his face. Jinwoo smiled at him encouragingly.

"You're probably not flicking your wand correctly. A little change is enough to mess up the entire spell. I can show you how to do it later," he offered. The younger's face brightened up at the head boy's words.

"Well, well, well... get yourself a man that's handsome, smart and nice," another voice spoke up from next to Jinwoo, causing the two Hufflepuffs to look up. Lee Minho, the Beater of Slytherin's Quidditch team, fellow seventh year and resident playboy smirked at Jinwoo.

"Hi, Minho!" Jeongin greeted him happily.

Minho smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "Hi, Jeongin. Is Quidditch going well?" he asked the younger. Jeongin became Hufflepuff's Seeker this year, after filling in for the previous one for the last game in his third year, which gained him many new friends on, both, his own and the other teams. The older players were constantly looking out for him.

Everyone was soft for Yang Jeongin.

"Better than Transfigurations," Jeongin answered with a displeased side look at his schoolbook. "But luckily I have Jinwoo to help me," he added, beaming at the older Hufflepuff and effectively shifting Minho's attention back on him.

"Right. You're lucky to be friends with someone so smart," Minho said, giving Jinwoo an almost daring look.

The Hufflepuff let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm not that smart, Minho. I just like to help. What are you doing here anyway? You're not at the library very often, are you?" he pointed out. Minho grinned and rested his hands on their table.

"You're right. The only times I go to the library are when I... want something," he agreed. "Maybe you can help me out, too," he added. Jinwoo didn't miss the slightly suggestive undertone and the playful glint in the Slytherin's eyes. The older rolled his eyes and reached up to pat Minho's cheek.

"Not interested but thanks for the offer," he told him.

"Anytime, cutie. Maybe you'll change your mind," Minho said, seemingly unbothered by Jinwoo's rejection as he took off, leaving the library again with a short wave at Jeongin and a wink at the older Hufflepuff. This hadn't been the first time Minho had tried to hit on him in the past two years, but Jinwoo didn't mind.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now