I am NOT [me]

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I'm back with a new one shot! I've been looking forward to uploading this one bc Minchan/Banginho/Chanho are my fav ship...

I hope you guys like it. As always I had lots of help from my sister Jenny! She also made the edit  above which you can (hopefully) see! 

PUBLISHED: 06/07/2018
EDITED: 09/25/2020

It was common knowledge that Gryffindor and Slytherin didn't always see eye to eye. Though, it had been getting a lot more peaceful between the two houses ever since the battle of Hogwarts, there were still minor occurrences between Slytherins and Gryffindors from time to time.

Minho wasn't quite sure why Gryffindor's Quidditch team captain, Bang Chan, didn't like him. He had never been out with him. He had never had a one-night stand with him - which was kind of a shame because the guy was fine! He hadn't sent any intentional Bludgers in his direction during Quidditch before.

Still, Bang Chan hated him. And even though Minho pretended to be indifferent about it, it bothered him. He'd learned to just hate him back but deep down he still wanted to know what had caused the Gryffindor to dislike him so much.


"Okay, so for this project I want you to partner up," Professor Slughorn announced one rainy afternoon in Potions class. Minho groaned. He hated working with others. He sucked at Potions, but he wasn't someone who liked to rely on others.

Professor Slughorn read out the pairings. Minho avoided the eyes of the people who looked in his direction, hoping to be paired with him or shooting him disappointed glances when their names had already been called.

Truthfully, Minho had been out with almost half of the people in this dungeon; the guys mostly, so he wasn't really eager to be paired with anyone he had rejected after the first date.

"Lee Minho and Bang Chan," the professor called out.

"What?" came a bemused shout from the other side of the room.

"You've heard correctly, Mr Bang," Professor Slughorn said knowingly. Everyone was aware of how the two of them felt about each other and knowing their Potions professor he had paired them up for that exact reason.

Minho sighed, somehow wishing he'd been paired up with one of those thirsty hoes after all. Chan wasn't shy when it came to displaying his resentment towards Minho, so he was looking forward to a promising 80 minutes with him...

"Now that you all have your partners, I am going to tell you about the potion. It is similar to Polyjuice potion and allows the drinker to temporarily change forms. The difference is that it doesn't take a month to brew it and it usually wears off more quickly. I advise you to carefully read the instructions. This potion can be quite... tricky," Slughorn explained.

Minho walked over to Chan's desk, determined to only speak to him when he had to. The Gryffindor glared at him but said nothing.

"Alright. You may begin!" Professor Slughorn announced. Chan began gathering the supplies they'd need for their potion while Minho heated up the cauldron.

"I'll crush the lacewing paste for later. You follow the first set of instructions," Chan said without looking at him. Minho raised his eyebrow at his rudeness but chose not to pick a fight while their professor was literally three feet away from them.

Minho carefully followed the instructions, trying not to mess up the potion, but he didn't seem to be doing a particularly good job. It should be a light green by now, but it somehow turned out hot pink. Meanwhile, Chan had finished preparing the paste made of lacewing flies and checked on Minho's progress. His eyes widened at the bubbling mess in his cauldron.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now