I am NOT [giving up on you]

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Helloooo I'm back with a new one shot. This one took forever to finish oml but luckily I had the help of my genius of a sister who mostly helped me write the romance scenes (bc god do I suck at that).
I'm gonna have to give you a little warning for a tiny bit of violence but other than that you're in for a soft ride. 

I hope you'll like it 

PUBLISHED: 07/19/2020
EDITED: 09/25/2020

Jisung would say that he was a pretty good Keeper.

Focused, fast and skilled. He'd joined the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in his third year after long years of endless training with Chan. When he had come to Hogwarts he had known absolutely nothing about Quidditch, since he descended from muggles, but his passion for flying was something he had been born with.

He had been over the moon when he'd learned about the wizards' sport, determined to become an outstanding player.

This year, the Quidditch season didn't seem to go well for Ravenclaw, though. First, they'd lost the game against Slytherin last month and now things weren't looking good against Gryffindor. It was January, meaning that Jisung's eyesight was slightly compromised due to the snow that was falling onto the Quidditch pitch.

Gryffindor was leading with thirty points and Jisung couldn't help but ask himself how their Keeper, his best friend, Lee Felix, could hold as many Quaffles as he did.

One thing, or rather, one person, that had caught Jisung's eye despite the bad weather was one of Gryffindor's Chasers. She had scored most of Gryffindor's goals and as much as he'd like to blame it on the weather, he couldn't really deny that he was a tiny bit awestruck by this girl's beauty.

"Jisung, for Merlin's sake! Would you stop daydreaming?!" his team captain Momo yelled at him over the wind.

"Sorry!" he replied, trying to focus on the game, but his eyes always trailed back to that Chaser girl. She was probably new on the team since he'd never seen her in a previous game before.

There hadn't been a female Chaser when he had last played against Gryffindor.

She was fully in her element, though. That girl belonged on a Quidditch field. Her long brown hair was flying in the wind, and though it was damp because of the snow, she still looked amazing.

Jisung simply had to find out who she was.


Needless to say, Gryffindor won the game.

Their Seeker, Kwon Soonyoung, a seventh year, had caught the snitch and thankfully ended Jisung's embarrassment, shortly after Gryffindor started leading with sixty points. He apologized to his teammates for doing a terrible job, but they just patted his shoulder and told him that it probably just hadn't been his day.

He knew better, though. He could have played better, but he had been too distracted and impressed by the new Gryffindor Chaser.

He walked back to the castle after changing back into his robes when Felix caught up with him. "Hey, you alright?" the Gryffindor asked.

Jisung nodded. "Not my best game, but I'm fine. Congrats on the win," he replied honestly. Felix grinned.

"Thanks... Binnie told me that he'd give me a present if we won, so I played with extra determination."

Jisung made a face. "Keep the dirty details to yourself, please," he joked, cackling when Felix blushed and mumbled something among the lines of "it's not like that".

They entered the entrance hall.

"Well, I don't want to keep you from Binnie any longer!"

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now