Chapter 4 - The Surprise + More!

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Chapter 4

Rebecca's POV

OMG OMG OMG!!! "How the hell did you find One Direction?" I screamed! Louis came running up to me and I gave him a hug! Tyler just stood there watching us hug and everything and I can see the slight jealousy in his eyes. I pulled Tyler into a hug and said "Thank you so much Tyler" and I gave him a kiss on the cheek! Louis, Niall and Harry all pouted and Louis said "Hey! That's not fair I don't get a kiss" He pouted again! I laughed at him and gave him a kiss. Then I gave Niall and Harry a kiss too. "It's been a long time since I last talked to you Rebecca. Where's Caroline?" Liam said. "She's with Tyler's best mate." I replied. Caroline and Liam were best friends from little and when Caroline heard about him being in One Direction and being on X Factor and all that, she was literally his number one fan. Liam knew that of course. Louis at the time was messing up my hair. "LOUIS you're messing up my hair." I screamed. Zayn jumped abit and I couldn't stop laughing. I walked over to Zayn and asked him "Wassup Zayn?" He gave me a smile and said "nothing much just watching how much fun you guys are having."

Tyler's POV

Oh wow! Her smile and her surprised face are very beautiful. I love it when she laughs and when she is surprised because it makes me happy. "Tyler?" she said. "Mhmm?" I said. "Oh, nothing, it's just you was just day dreaming and I was just wondering what you was thinking about." she replied with a smile. "I was daydreaming about how nice your smiles are and I love it when you laugh because it makes me happy." I said. Her smile turned into a grin and she quickly hugged me.

Caroline's POV

Me and Joshua were watching a really funny film until my phone buzzed and I noticed I got a text from someone. I opened it and started reading it.

To: Caroline

OMG! Guess what?! You won't believe what just happened. :o Tyler surprised me today with 5 special people. ONE DIRECTION. Yup that's right you read it right. ONE DIRECTION. Liam's asking where you are. I know you and Joshua have a thing for each other, so would you like to come over to have some double date with One Direction. Tyler's really jealous. We are at the boys place and I'm guessing you already know where that is right? Come over and surprise them.

From: Rebecca

After I read the text I told Joshua I'm going to meet my long lost friend. I didn't really lose him but he left me for the show and I shouldn't be upset with him because it's what he had always wanted to do. Joshua grabbed his coat and got the car keys. We drove to the house that I had given directions to Joshua. I got out of the car and took a deep breath in. I walked up to the door, Joshua by my side, throwing me back the car keys that belong to Liam. I took out the house keys that he had given me 2 years ago. He let me come to their house anytime even if they are not around. I'm glad he trusts me with the house and his car. I slot the key in and opened the door. Everyone stopped what they were doing (twister I think) and looked at me. "CAROLINE!" they all screamed. I gave a small wave and Liam jumped up from the position where he was (Louis's butt in his face) and made everyone fall down in a pile of mess. He came up to me and pulled me into a massive hug.

Liam's POV

It's great to see Caroline again. I remembered that the last time I saw her was I think 2 years ago. Now that the boys are like good friends with her makes me kind of jealous. Wait... Me? Jealous... Never! When Caroline came up to me I pulled her into a tight hug. Tears were coming out of my eyes and dropped onto Caroline. She noticed and said "OMG! Liam why are you crying? What is wrong?" I just said "Oh nothing. I'm just happy to see you again and that we have been separated for 2 years and I never want to be separated with you again. You're like a sister to me and a very close one." The boys heard this and Louis said "Yeah Caroline you're like a really close sister to us."

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