Chapter 12 - Birthday! They Are Leaving?

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Chapter 12

Caroline’s POV

I woke up to the usual beeping of my alarm clock. I got out of bed, and went to take a shower. It’s my birthday today and Louis’s too. But unfortunately, we had to go in school for an important announcement. I stepped out of the bathroom, to be greeted with a very warm bedroom. After all these years, Liam still knew that I hated coming out of the bathroom to be hit with cold air. I put my clothes on and then stepped out of my bedroom. Liam was standing there with bags in his hand. “Morning Caroline, did you like the warm room?” He said smiling at me. I smiled back at him and gave him a hug. “Thanks, I didn’t know you will still remember.” I said. “Silly, of course I’d remember.” He said. “Oh, here.” He said handing me the bag. I looked inside it and saw that he had gotten me a whole bunch of striped clothes and a pair of headphones. “You didn’t have to, Liam.” I told him and gave him another hug. “Happy Birthday, Caroline.” He said before walking back into his room. He came back out with another bag similar to mine. Louis came out of his room yawning. I quickly walked into my room and got him the shoes and the carrots. When I walked out, Louis was thanking Liam for the present. “Happy Birthday bro.” I said whilst giving him the presents. He gave me one of those brotherly hugs and I felt comfortable with him. “Thanks sis, wait a minute.” He said. He went into his room and came back out with a bag. I took out the small box and opened it to see a locket inside with a picture of us two. I think I was going to cry. “L-Lou.” I said whilst hugging him tightly. I took out the 2nd present and noticed that he bought me an Iphone 5. “Oh. My. Gosh. I love you so much bro.” I said to him. “I love you too sis.” He replied. The day was going great even though it is still morning. We all went down and noticed Harry cooking in the kitchen. Niall was stuffing his face with pancakes like he always does. “Morning guys.  Happy Birthday Caroline and Louis.” Zayn said. We both thanked him before taking a seat. Zayn passed us both presents that he had got us.

Louis’s POV

We were in the kitchen and Zayn passed us the presents he bought me and Caroline. I looked inside the bag and noticed he had got a DVD of my favourite band The Fray. “ZAYN!” I screamed in a very high pitch voice. I gave him a big hug and he nearly fell off his chair. Everyone was laughing and on the floor. “There’s another thing.” Zayn said hiding behind Liam. I looked inside and noticed he bought me tickets to see The Fray perform for me. “ZAYN, I LOVE YOU.” I said and ran towards him. I tried hugging him, but he was hiding behind Liam so I just hugged the both of them. “That hurts.” Harry said holding a hand to his heart. “I love you too Harry.” I said. Caroline opened her present after she finished with the laughing fit she was in. She looked at it and then she gasped. “ZAYN I LOVE YOU.” Caroline screamed and hugged Zayn gently. “I know.” Zayn said whilst brush his hair with his hands. We all laughed at his lame way of seducing girls. Niall handed us the presents he got us. He got me some DVD that I have always wanted to see. He also got me this carrot shaped toy and it looked so cute. “Thanks Nialler.” I said to him and hugged him tightly. “No problem.” He said. Caroline took out the box and opened it. She looked like she was about to cry. “Thanks Nialler.” She said and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. The necklace was huge, sparkly and looked like it cost alot. There was a little message in the box as well, but I couldn’t read it because she closed the box. She whispered something to Niall and Niall looked really happy. When Harry finished cooking the pancakes, he went upstairs. I was going to follow him but then he came back down with 2 bags. “Here Louis and Caroline.” He said. We took the presents and when Caroline opened hers, she looked so cute. “Thanks Harry.” She said and gave him a hug. Harry told me to open my present, which was really tall. I opened it and then gasped. He bought me the pogo stick that I saw in the store yesterday. “Oh. My. Gosh. Harry I love you so much.” I said and hugged him tightly. “Good that your happy.” He said. “Thank you guys for all the presents, I love them so much.” I said. “Me too, thanks guys, I love you guys so much.” She said.

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