Chapter 6 - Smack + Hurt!

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Chapter 6

Zayn's POV

How comes I knew this was coming? How comes I knew that they were keeping something away from us? I should feel happy for them which I am but inside, I feel like they have betrayed us. They were standing right in front of us so I got up quickly and pushed past them knocked Caroline over in the process but quickly caught her. When I looked into her eyes, she immediately looked sad and she can read my emotions. Once she was standing again, I was going to go upstairs, before she caught my hand. "We haven't finished yet, Zayn. Please stay until we finished." Woah! how could she talk to me without opening her mouth. "Sh*t!, im hearing things." I said and ran up the stairs. I heard Caroline sigh and came running after me.

Louis's POV

"I'm going to have to tell Zayn myself Louis, because he seems pretty pissed at us for not telling them in the beginning." Caroline mind messaged me. I sighed before running a hand through my hair. Typical Zayn. So Everyone was in their own chat about me and Caroline and of course Niall's lovely subject of... Nando's. "Alright guys, we are not finished." I said over their loud voices. They all looked at me with the 'what-can-be-worse-than-that' look and I couldn't help myself laugh.

Caroline's POV

I chased after Zayn, into his room. He looked hurt and betrayed. I didn't know if I should talk to him or let him have some time alone. I was about to turn to leave but Zayn caught onto my hand. "Why?" He said. I was confused by his words. "Why didn't you tell us?" He said as if he read my mind. I sat down next to him. I didn't know what to say. Once I came here, there was hurt to everyone and everyone becomes upset because of me. I didn't know I was crying until the tears were stinging my eyes. I couldn't breath. "c-can't b-breath." I managed to say. I heard Zayn gettting up and I really needed him at the moment. "s-stay p-please." I begged whilst breathing in and out. Zayn stayed with me and held my hand. He told me to breath in and out until I finally can breath again. "Zayn your a life saver." I said and gave him a kiss and a hug. I saw him blush for the first time. "Aww, your so cute when you blush." I said to him. He blushed again.

Zayn's POV

"Your cute when you blush too." I said to her and she blushed. "Look, Zayn. I didn't mean to keep it as a secret. I've known that me and Lou were brother and sister since you guys became One Direction. Louis didn't know until today when I was talking to Liam. Liam and I were bestest friends so he knew this of course. I didn't tell you guys because I thought that Lou wouldn't accept me as a sister. I'm really sorry Zayn, please don't be mad at me." Caroline said. She was crying again and this time I couldn't help myself but give her a hug. "I'm not mad at you Caroline, just don't keep secrets from us again thats all." I said. She pulled away from my hug and we kept quiet and looking at each other in the eye. She had blue ones like Lou and it was something special because of the sparkles I see in them. After about 2 minutes of staring, Caroline did the most shocking thing ever. She kissed me. I couldn't help but feel the sparks going through me and making me shiver. I kissed her back and when it felt like 3 minutes of kissing we pulled back. "Oh, i-i'm s-sorry, y-you have a g-girlfriend." Caroline said and ran out the room. I couldn't run after her, I was too shocked with what she said. I had a girlfriend but I kissed the most gorgeous girl in the world. I didn't like my girlfriend Rosie anyways. Time to break up with Rosie and go out with Caroline.

Niall's POV

Louis wasn't speaking yet so, I decided to go get some food from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to get some leftover Nando's when I saw Caroline in the corner crying. "What's wrong Caroline?" I asked her. She obviously didn't know I just came up to her, so she wiped her eyes and replied "nothing." I knew there was something up with her and it probably has to do with Zayn. "I'm going to ask Zayn then." I said whilst getting up. Caroline quickly pulled me down and I fell into her lap. "Please don't, don't even mention his name in front of me." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug before pulling away and walking outside slamming the door shut. Louis, Liam and Harry were all at the entrance thinking I did something to her. "It wasn't me, it was Zayn." As soon as I said that, I regretted it. Louis and Liam turned so angry and went upstairs to Zayn's room. Me and Harry followed and got outside Zayn's room. "Shall we knock?" I asked. Louis and Liam looked at me as if I just asked a stupid question. Louis kicked the door open and Zayn was on the bed looking as scared as ever. I was going to turn around to leave when I saw Caroline standing there. I was going to say her name but she whispered to me "Shhh." And put a finger on her lip. I understood what she was going to do. "Zayn what did you do to Caroline?" Louis asked angrily. "I kissed her back." Zayn said. Louis was getting angrier now. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KISSED HER BACK?" Louis said. "Well she kissed me so I kissed back, but then she realized I had a girlfriend and I realized I had a girlfriend so she ran." Zayn carried on. I saw that Caroline was right behind Louis now. She tapped Louis on the shoulder and Louis was so angry. "WHAT DO YOU WANT NIALL?" he turned around and flung his arm at Caroline who fell to the floor. He thought Caroline was me. Caroline looked so hurt and she ran out of the house. "Sh*t!" Louis said and ran after Caroline. That was shocking. Liam ended up running after Caroline too since they were best friends.

Caroline's POV

He hit me. I can't believe my own dear brother hit me. I know he didn't mean it but it hurts to get hit by your own family member. I ran and ran until my legs died and dropped on the floor. It was raining but I didn't care. I looked around and saw that I was in the park. No-one was here so I had time alone. As long as the rain kept coming, I was crying. It was turning dark and no-one was here. I was getting freaked out because I didn't like the dark. Liam usually was with me when I'm in the dark but he wasn't here with me at the moment. It took 5 minutes before I got the courage to get up and walk. I must have hurt my foot since I fell but was caught by someone. Liam Payne. "Caroline, you ok? You probably hurt your foot with all that running you did. Jheez woman, you can run a marathon with those legs of yours." He said and that made me laugh so hard. "Do you remember that time when you promised that even if I was alone or in the dark, you would be with me so I'm not scared anymore?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "Yes, I remember that and I wouldn't break a promise. That's why I'm here with you right now." Liam said. We stayed there me in his arms, since I couldn't walk. "Want to head back to the house now?" Liam asked which brought back the memories of him hitting me. I started crying again. "Do you think he really wanted to hit me?" I asked Liam. Liam looked at me with those precious eyes. "No, he really thought you were Niall and plus he was really mad at Zayn because of what he done to you. He was only protecting you Caroline. Don't think the bad things, ok?" Liam told me. I nodded my head. "Let's go back now." I said. I attempt to walk on my own, but ended up falling into Liam's arms again. He started chuckling at me which caused me to pout. He hated it when I pouted because it made him feel weak inside for making me sad. "Don't pout Caroline." He whined. He ended up piggy backing me because I hurt my foot but also because I was really tired with all that crying.

Liam's POV

I ended up piggy backing Caroline because she hurt her leg and I could tell she was tired from all the crying. I was fine with it because she's my best friend and also because she is light. I walked and walked and felt her head on my shoulder sound asleep. I was walking towards the house and when I got to the house, I knocked on the door since I didn't bring my keys. Louis opened the door and saw that Caroline was asleep on my back. "Thanks Liam, I owe you big time. I really didn't want to hit her, I thought she was Niall. Please don't beat me up." Louis mind messaged me. I couldn't help but laugh at that message. I remembered that I had Caroline on my back. "I'm going to put Caroline to bed ok?" I told Louis. The others must have gone to sleep since they weren't here. I walked up the stairs with Caroline and took her into her room. I got her changed and then tucked her into bed before kissing her on the forehead. I turned off the light that was next to her and then decided to go to bed too. But Caroline woke up and grabbed onto my hand. "Sleep with me please Liam, I'm scared Louis will hit me during the night." She said in a scared tone. "Caroline, Louis is not going to hit you, he loves you and it was an accident." I said to her. "Sleep with me please." She said. I took my top and trousers off so I was in my boxers and got into bed with her. I wrapped her round the waist and drifted off to sleep.


Oooooh Louis hit Caroline. Liam is sleeping with Caroline :O. Kidding. They are best friends overall. Anyways thanks for reading this chapter. Please Comment. Vote. Love.

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