Chapter 14 - Truth & Dare

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Chapter 14

Zayn's POV

I saw Louis coming out of Caroline's room so I decided to talk to him. "Hi Louis." I said and he looked a bit sad. "What's wrong buddy?" I said but he didn't answer. "Come with me." I told him and he followed me. I walked into my walk in wardrobe and Louis followed me confused by what I was doing. "What are we doing in here?" Louis finally spoke. I went into my mini fridge and got out my home made carrot ice cream as I know he would like it. "Here, have some of this." I said and gave him a pot. "OMG ZAYN, CARROT ICE CREAM!" He yelled in my ear and I thought I was going death for a second. "Love you too." I said and chuckled. He ate the ice cream and was in a better mood. "Thanks Zayn, I needed that." Lou said whilst giving me a bear hug. I returned it and then we walked out to the living room. It was time for the Truth or dare and I was in a fantastic mood for it. Everyone was downstairs apart from Caroline, so I decided to go and get her. I knocked on her door before walking in. When I walked in, I saw that Caroline was only in her bra and underwear. "Umm... sorry Caroline." I said to her whilst she was looking at me with wide eyes. "No, its fine, I was just finding something to wear. You can come in if you want." She said and I walked over and sat on her bed. She walked into her walk in wardrobe and came back out to get dressed. "Are you sure I can stay here." I said covering my eyes. This caused her to laugh. "It's fine." She said. She put on a pair

of shorts, tracksuits, yellow tank top and a hoodie on top. How many things does this girl have to wear? I'm sure I looked like I had massive eyes now. "You never know what questions I would want to pass on." She said obviously reading my mind. I chuckled at her comment before taking her hand and leading her downstairs. "You're princess is here." I said and sat her down.

We all sat in a circle on the floor in the order of Harry, Louis, Caroline, Niall, Liam + me. "So the rule is that you have to take off a piece of clothing if you pass." Liam said and we all nodded. "I'll start." Caroline said and everyone nodded again. She spun the bottle and it landed on Louis. "Louis, truth or dare?" She said to Louis. "Dare." He said. She had an evil smirk on her face. "I dare you to call Mark and tell him that you love him so much and you want to have carrot babies with him." She said and we all busted into a laughing fit. "Good one Caroline."I said to her and high fived her. "Do I have to?" Louis whined and everyone screamed "YES!" at the same time. We heard him calling Mark and after the 2nd ring, he picked up. "Hello Louis." "I swear I'm going to kill you Caroline." He said before speaking into the phone. "Hello Mark. I just want to say, that I love you and want to have carrot babies with you." Louis said to Mark. Everyone was in a silent laughing fit and I can tell Caroline is going to burst any minute now so I walked up to her and covered her mouth as soon as she was about to let out a loud laugh. "Thanks." She whispered to me. I nodded my head and heard Mark saying something on the lines of "Look Lou, I need to go now, if you need anything else, call me later." Once Louis hanged up, we all started a laughing fit again. It was too funny. If you didn't already know, Mark is our driver and body guard. He is 18, but he is mature like Liam. He can be funny sometimes and I know he always had a thing for Caroline.

"Ok, my turn to spin." Louis said after he finished laughing. He spun the bottle and it landed on Niall. "Niall, would you like truth or dare?" Louis said to Niall. Niall thought about it, before answering. "Truth." Niall answered and Louis's face seemed to light up because he had that same evil smirk that Caroline had earlier. "Is it true, that you love someone in this circle?" Louis asked Niall and I saw that Niall was blushing. "Aww Nialler's blushing." I said to him and started pinching his cheeks. Caroline's cheeks were red too. What is going on in here? "Yes, it is true." Niall answered and I noticed that Caroline was blushing even more. Is it her that he likes? I saw that Louis was squeezing Caroline's hand and smiling down at her. He whispered something in her ears and she whispered something back that sounded like 'I don't think so'. "Who is it?" Louis asked Niall. "Well, I can't say now, but I decided I will tell you tomorrow." Niall said and we all booed him. "My turn." Niall said and he spun the bottle. It landed on me. Damn this bottle. "Zayn, do you want truth or dare?" Niall asked me. Whenever I chose truth, he would say something ridiculously embarrassing. "Dare." I said being a bit confident. "I dare you to strip everything off in front of Caroline."He said and I was a bit shocked by this. Strip? In front of Caroline? I couldn't do that to her.

I looked at Caroline and noticed she was a bit hurt by this. Didn't she want me to or was it Niall. I walked over to Louis since he knew what was going on. "What's going on with Caroline?" I whispered in Louis ear and he whispered back to me what is happening. That Niall took Caroline's virginity on the day we were playing murder in the dark and that Caroline thinks Niall likes her and she is hurt by the dare Niall gave me. That was a long story, but I now understand why Caroline looks so sad. "I don't have to do the dare, I'll just pass." I whispered to Caroline and she smiled gratefully to me. I took my top off and sat back down. Niall booed at me but I didn't care. Liam calmed him down and then I spun the bottle. It landed on Harry. "Finally, I thought you guys forgot about me." Harry said. He was really quiet today. "Harry, truth or dare?" I asked Harry. He tapped his chin with his finger pretending to be thinking. "Dare." He said and I thought of a dare. I got up to get the drink I made earlier and gave it to Harry. "I dare you to drink that." I said to Harry. He looked at the liquid and then hesitantly drank it. It had coke, fanta, tango, sprite and vodka in it. "Oh gosh Zayn, what did you put in this?" Harry screamed and everyone started laughing. "Oh, just the usual, cow pee." I said and Harry turned so red and ran to the bathroom. Everyone started laughing at his reaction and I told them what was really in it. "You should have seen his face." I said. Harry came back out and sat in the circle. He gave me a glare and I just winked at him. "My turn." Harry said while he spun the bottle. It landed on Liam and Harry started smirking. "Liam, truth or dare?" Harry asked Liam. Liam immediately said truth. "Is it true, that you kissed a boy on the lips before?" Harry asked Liam and his face turned so red. "Yeah." He said and looked down. Everyone looked at him shocked before finishing the game. "So that's the end of them game, Zayn you lost because you took off an item of clothing. Everyone it's getting late, go to sleep now." Liam said. Everyone headed into their rooms and went to sleep.

So that was truth or dare and it was hard for me to pick dares. The next chapter will be better I hope. Comment. Vote. Love.

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