Chapter 16: The Plan

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All the Gladers are huddled in Homestead, except for Teresa. She told everyone she triggered this, and is in the slammer for the night. Gally hasn't been seen since I kissed Newt, and the Grievers are everywhere. Alby ran out to get the maps since Thomas and Teresa have been working on something, a way out. Alby hasn't come back. We hear a Griever creep up the side of Homestead and peek through the window. Suddenly, the front door bursts open, and Gally stalks in. His eyes are bloodshot, and he looks unhinged. "They're gonna take all of you, one by one! Might as well start now!" Gally says. He runs to the window and starts stripping boards off of it, letting the griever in. Newt runs over to get Gally to stop, but Gally slams him back, knocking Newt out. I let out a cry, running to Gally to get him to stop. I call his name, and he seems to stop, whimpering, and crying. It was too late. The griever's leg ripped through the rest of the wall, snatching Gally, and sprinting into the maze. Just like Gally had said, once that Griever got its prey, they all just strolled back into the maze, as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, Thomas and I get Teresa out of the slammer. Suddenly, shouting erupts near the map room. We run over there, trying to see what the chaos was about. We rounded a corner and saw it. The map room was in flames. I see Thomas's eyes widen, and he runs to Newt, trying to find out what happened. "Shuck." I turn to Teresa, this sudden outburst surprising me. "What is it, it's not like the maps would help anyways, there's no way out," I say, stating the obvious. "No, Thomas and I had a theory, we were going to share it with you this morning, but then we got distracted by this. We think the maps have a clue to how to get out of here. There is a spot, called the cliff, and there is a griever hole, and, I don't know how to explain it, I'll let Thomas explain it to you for me." We run over and push our way to the front of the gathered crowd. Alby is passed out on the floor, blood on his head, and on a spot of the table. The flames are being put out by some boys, and Thomas doesn't look devastated anymore. He walks over to us and smiles. As I'm about to question him, he says quietly, "They saved the maps, so we can still do the thing." We follow Newt and Minho into a secret basement, and they show us where they hid the maps. I give Newt a quick peck on the cheek and turn to Thomas, who shows me what to do. We soon have all the gladers we can trust working on decoding the maps, and we end up with a code of four words. "Jeez, well isn't this an uplifting choice of words," I say, as I look at them, memorizing them. By tracing the maps of every day's maze onto wax paper, and stacking them, we got the words FLOAT CATCH BLEED DEATH STIFF PUSH. I look at Thomas, who is talking to Minho and Newt. I turn to Teresa, and we share a glance. The boys come back over to us, and tell us we need to get everyone and gather together in order to get out of here. 

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