Chapter 22- Buses.

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Edited-ish. Please point put any mistakes!

Wills P.O.V.

The pounding footsteps from students traveling to class echo outside the bathroom. Friends struggle to fit latest gossip from one another in the five minute gap before fourth period. Instead of going to my next class, I lock myself inside the small stall. People rush in and out, some taking time to jiggle my door. Just in case, I had my legs up on the seat with my backpack on my lap. When the commotion had died down, my tense shoulders lessened.

I couldn't seem to focus on anything. My head was foggy, yet pounding at the same time. The back of my eyes burned, threatening tears. A part of me knew it wasn't from the headache but didn't want to admit it.

My mother lying dead on the floor, while I was doing anything about it. I had just stood there, screaming. Naomi Solace had been murdered, maybe not by me, but had been protecting. A innocent soul for a tainted one.

"Fuckin' cunt, your existence is really pitiful. You can't seem to understand that." A darker voice taunts inside my head. I could feel my chest go cold at the memory. The feeling in my arms and legs go numb. His insults hadn't wondered into my thoughts for a long time. It was only when things got bad.

With the back of my palm, I wiped away the few salty tears that had begun to fall. How long has it been? Two or three weeks since she died? I was told that it usually takes a while for a idea that someone you cared being dead to set in. They told me, all those days just sitting alone in my cabin, crying and yelling, that they understood. But It hit me as soon as I saw her drop to the ground. No staring a walls and wondering why. I knew why. It was because my hands were dirty with no way of reversing it.

This was all stupid. I was thrown into this mess suddenly and I'm pretty sure that I'm going crazy.

Chiron had refused to let me go visit my house to at least make sure that her body wasn't rotting away into the floor boards. He kept warning me, his voice full of pity, that it was it was a trap for me.

"Please, she could of survived! Someone could of heard her and helped her! Are you even listening to me?!"

"William, please calm down! I understand your wishes, but even if she could of survived that she wouldn't want you to put yourself in harms way-


"I never said I did, it's a mother's instinct to protect. Will, please sit down!"

"No! Just because my farther was some fancy god with a fucked up sense of decency doesn't mean that you can control what I can and can-not do! It have my own free will!"

"You're losing the point, after what you told me it seems like someones after you. Its best to sit-"

"It's best? How could you say that when my mother could be alive!" I say, slamming both of my hands down on the table underneath me. We were both in the Big House, clear of anyone else. They were all outside, taking a break and eating dinner at the pavilion.

"I'm trying to protect you, not control you. In the end it will be up to you, but you can't rush into things hastily."

"I don't care! I don't care about any of this demi-god crap! I just want my mother!"

"Will. . . I can't say for sure that you're mother is alive. I understand your anger, but please try to talk sense?"

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