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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Dr Who.


Stranger: Well, you're about 50 years too late. But I admire the enthusiasm.

You: -.-

You: I'm full on enthusiasm

You: And if it means I'll get to watch Matt Smith and David Tennant again... I won't mind

Stranger: Ah, but you'll have to sit through the 80's stuff with Sylvester Mccoy.

You: Mehh, I'll use my time machince

You: machine

You: **

Stranger: Fair enough. No spoilers from the future, though. My own time machine is in for repairs, you see.

You: I do see. try not to get the celery and the fez mixed up this time though...

Stranger: Oh, no, I won't be making that mistake again. Not after that incident in Zurich.

You: And Pompeii. Oh, and wneed some Jammie Dodgers in case the daleks come again.. you can never be too careful

You: we need**

Stranger: I prefer jelly babies, myself.

You: What about the bananas?? They're a good source of potassium.

Stranger: True, so is saying the alphabet backwards.

You: Indeed.. We also need to redecorate. The circle things are just awesome.

Stranger: I was thinking about doing something with the swimming pool, actually.

You: And the library. Clara thinks we're just showing off.

Stranger: We are showing off a bit, if we're honest.

You: True. Especially the bowtie.

Stranger: This bowtie is cool.

You: Indeed. And the fez.

Stranger: And the scarf.

You: And the Stetson. Until River shot it, of course.

Stranger: River does a lot of things when it comes to hat destruction.

You: Exactly. Think of the hat at the museum. Then the dalek appeared.

Stranger: My God, it all makes sense now.

You: She has a thing against the hats..

Stranger: No, no, I mean the Doctor has a different hat (or lack or hat) with each regeneration, yes?

You: Yes...

Stranger: And River likes to destroy hats.

Stranger: Therefore, River has been messing with the Doctor's hats since day one.

You: My God, you're right.

Stranger: We should tell the world.

You: No time.. Time has collapsed, remember?

Stranger: Well, no, did time collapse while I was visiting one of the continuums which collapsed?

You: The wedding of River Song.

You: All of time at once

You: Texting and Scones

Stranger: Ah, yes, that one. That continuum was fine in the end.

You: Yes it seems so.

You: You can never be too sure, though

Stranger: The writers would never leave anything open to interpretation, of course.

You: No it has to be precise

Stranger: Heh, after Day of the Doctor, I'm pretty much beholden to Russell Grant.

You: It's music for me.

Stranger: I must admit, I went full fanboy for that one.

You: I'm not judging you

Stranger: Anyway...what news of the colonies?

You: Nothing new.

You: You?

Stranger: Stupid colonies. I don't know what I was expecting.

Stranger: And, yeah, literally nothing of interest to report.

You: Gender??

Stranger: Yes, I have one.

You: Which one?

Stranger: Green.

You: That's an awesome gender.

You: Im of the fox gender.

Stranger: We have never forgotten your aid in the Red vs badger conflict.

You: It is a memory I shall never forget either.

You: Anyways, I'm tired and this weird alien programme is boring me.

Stranger: Fair enough, although I don't appreciate being called a weird alien.

You: Ha. No, it's an alien skeleton thing. Dumb programme. The Graphics are hilariously terrible.

Stranger: I'm glad we managed to clear up that particular hilarious misunderstanding.

You: Indeed. Well, I'm going to let you go now.

Stranger: No worries. Nice to meet you for what it's worth.

You: Likewise. Goodnight, stranger

You have disconnected.


Only true Doctor Who fans will know what all this is about. If you don't, you have a LOT to learn.

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