Chapter one

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After his first year at Yuuei, things seem to change..

(Izuku's POV)

I wake up in a pitch black room, my glowing body as my only source of light.
I search around for something, anything, only to find nothing but the terrifying darkness.
Suddenly, I can hear voices, calling to me from the darkness and I soon recognize the voices as my very own thoughts.





I feel my breath quicken and the walls feel like they are closing in.
I fall to the floor, my hands trembling as I cover my ears to try and stop the the voices.

I try to shout but no sound comes out.
I feel trapped within my own mind.





I jolt awake to the sound of my alarm, tears falling down my face from the dream I had just had.

I find myself sitting on the floor, my sleeves rolled up, scissors on the floor by me.

I wipe away my tears and reluctantly get up and go over to shut off my alarm.
I wrap my arms up from the night before and put on a long sleeve shirt, making sure my arms were covered.

Once ready, I grab my bag and walk to school, ignoring my mom's yells for me to come eat breakfast.
I'm tired of putting on ask for other people but I can have them getting suspicious of my actions.

If I slip it could cost me everything. No one can know.

You're so pathetic. Your mom could have found out. You know she is going to be suspicious and question you. You're just a fucking disappointment.

Before I realize it, I'm standing at the school gate. I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice when Shoto had grabbed my shoulder to bet my attention.

"Izuku? Is everything okay? You've been standing here for about five minutes already.."

I jump at the sound of his voice but quickly brush it off.

Don't act like you care, you don't have to pretend.

"y-yeah, I'm fine" I put a smile on my face and look up at him "sorry, I guess I just got lost in thought"

And with that I walk past him and go to class, looking down at the ground to try and avoid Shoto.

I can't have him finding out. It could ruin everything.


I sit down at my desk and hold onto my arm, rubbing the wrapping on it, craving the stinging feeling it gave me.

I quickly retract my hand from my burning arm when kids start flooding into the classroom.
I put on a smile but I don't say anything, I just look down at my fidgeting hands.

I noticed the whispers but I try not to pay attention to them.

They are talking about you. What did you do wrong this time? You know they hate you, why do you even try anymore. They are all whispering, spreading rumors, calling you names-

My thoughts are cut off by Uraraka who gently places her hand on my shoulder.

"Izuku, are you okay? You seem a bit shaken up today.."

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