Chapter Three: You Shouldn't Have

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Lily woke very early the next morning. The sun hadn't even come up yet. She just lay in bed, staring at the top of the canopy.

Sure, she didn't particularly like Tom, but that didn't mean she would rat him out to her father. But did Lily give her dad too big a hint? Saying he was mates with Albus? Honestly the last thing Lily would ever want to do is to betray her father, but her father put her in a bad spot. Picking between her father who she would see for only Christmas and summer vacations for the next 7 years, and between her House that she would be living with for like 56 months within the next few years. She would be seeing her House more, so that meant she should remain loyal to them, right? 

Lily groaned in frustration. Everything was so hard to figure out. 

Lily quietly got out of bed, and slipped through the bedroom door, careful not to wake her two roommates, who she became well acquainted with yesterday. Natalie Zanders and Jacklyn McCain. Lily was more than sure that the three would become very good friends. They were all good fliers and loved Quidditch. They were confident at least one of the three would make the team next year.

As Lily walked down the stairs, she trailed her fingers along the wall. When she got down to the last few stairs she heard scuffling in the common room, so she stopped. 

Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears. Who would be up at this time of night?

Lily walked slowly down the last couple of steps. What she saw, surprised her.

"D-Dobby? W-Winky?" Lily stuttered.

One of them looked up at her. "Tags and Tippy, ma'am."

The two house elves had been cleaning up the Slytherin common room before Lily interrupted them.

"I'm sorry, you just... You reminded me of two old friends of my fathers," 

"But we is Dobby and Winky's children, ma'am." One of them replied.

"Really? Wow. Wait until my dad hears! He'll be ecstatic. He's Harry Potter," 

They both shrieked. "Harry Potter? THEE Harry Potter? You is the daughter of Harry Potter? You is Lily Potter, ma'am?" 

Lily nodded. 

"My dad loved your father very much. I bet he'd love to meet you."

"Tags and Tippy be delighted. But we work now, ma'am."

Lily nodded again, and traipsed over to one of the couches.  She closed her eyes for a second, but when she opened them again, the elves were gone and the sun was up. 

Lily got up, brushed off her uniform, and made her way out the door, on her way to the Great Hall.

She had just turned into the Great Hall when someone bumped into her and she fell to the ground. 

The entire hall went silent.

She looked up to find Lucas Weatherford staring down at her.

"Oops. I'm sorry pitty potty," He smirked to his fellow mates.

"Like heck you are, Lukey boy." Lily's hand grasped around her wand inside her pocket. She knew she ought not too, seeing as the entire Great Hall was watching her, but she had to.

Before she could cast a spell, Lucas and his four mates were all swept off the ground, hanging by their feet mid air. Their pants were cursed off and they all sported knickers. Lucas's was probably the most humiliating. Who wears "I Love My Mommy" knickers?

Lily and the rest of the hall gaped at the sight. Lily quickly flickered her eyes to both the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables. Yep. James, Albus, Tom, Scorpius, and Jr were all smirking uncontrollably. Lily had to figure they were behind it.

Just then, McGonagall came by, dropped all five doofus's, and helped Lily off the ground.

"Miss Potter, Mr. Weatherford. To my office, now."  

Lily had to practically sprint to keep up with McGonagall. 

"Professor, I swear I didn't do that to them!" Lily exclaimed, "I don't even know any spells yet."


They made it to her office and McGonagall sat down at her desk, motioning for Lily to sit in one of two empty chairs in front of her. They waited a few long moments for Lucas to show up. He was huffing, presumably from running all of this way, and sat down beside Lily.

"I am most disappointed in you two. Mr. Weatherford, you are nearly the top of your year. And Miss Potter, the way you're going, you could very well end up there too. Why get in a fight in front of the entire school?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"I didn't do anything, Professor. I swear. He's the one who keeps running into me!" Lily said, gesturing to Lucas. 

"So this has happened before?" McGonagall raised her eyebrows. 

"She keeps prancing around like she owns the place. I didn't do anything to her, but then she goes and puts me and my mates on the ceiling! I saw her clenching her wand!"

Professor McGonagall turned her attention to Lily. "Is this true, Miss Potter? Was your wand in your hand?"

"Yes ma'am, but-" McGonagall held up a hand to silence her. 

"It's settled, then. Miss Potter, a weeks detention."

Lily jumped out of her seat.  "Detention? That's preposterous! I didn't curse that stupid bloke! Even check my wand," Lily dug in her pocket and threw her wand in front of her Professor. "The last and only spell I have used was Wingardium Leviosa. I practiced for Charms last night. I couldn't have hung them up like that with that spell."

Lily sat back down, and McGonagall raised her eyebrows again. She took out her own wand, though, and performed a spell upon Lily's wand. 

"You were right, Miss Potter. My apologies. This is your warning then! Now you two better get back to the Great Hall and eat something before breakfast is over. Go on!"

 As soon as they were clear of McGonagall's office, Lucas drew his wand upon Lily. 

"I'll get back at your stupid brothers for that little prank of yours. Yeah, I know it was them. I'm not that dumb. I do have a no beating up girls policy, but if you do anything like this again, I WILL break it. We clear?" He asked Lily.

"Clear as glass. But you're top of your year? How? You're an idiot." Lily swept into the Great Hall before he could respond. She could feel many eyes upon her, but she ignored them as she sat down beside Albus.

"Are you alright?" He whispered quietly to Lily so no one else would hear, except her and his mates.

"Mhm. But he knows it was you. So watch out. You shouldn't have done it, though. I had my wand drawn on him. I could've done him myself." 

"Hey, what are brothers for?" Albus smirked at Lily and she couldn't help but smile. 

"Thank you too, Tom and Scorpius. They deserved it," Lily said, looking over at the Hufflepuff table. Lucas looked at her and gave her the finger. 

"I feel so loved," She added.  

"What are the odds that he bumps into you two times within a week? The creep must be stalking you." 

"Hey, everyone wants to stalk the famous Lily Potter!" 


There may be an error here or there, but Padfoot forced me to upload, so....

You can also check out my other story The Cowboy. In my opinion its like 50x worse than this story, but a person or two seem to enjoy it.... 

Video on the side has nothing to do with the video. It's just so beautiful... Janet Devlin's voice always makes me cry.

-The Brewski

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