Don't tell me what to do -A Liam Payne Fanfic-

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Hi guys this is my first fanfic so please bear with me because I'm not the best writer. Also I am in need of a cover so if anyone would like to make me one that would be greatly appreciated:) Enjoy the story:)

McKenna x


Liam's POV

I was in my hotel room just relaxing. We had a long night last night between the concert and all the fans and getting lost on the way to our hotel, we were pretty wiped out. I was on twitter just looking through my mentions when my phone rang I looked at the ID. Destiny. Destiny is my girlfriend. I hate her guts. She made me date her so she could be famous. She also likes to tell me to do things that I really don't want to do just to get satisfaction. I would just break up with her and get her out of my life but I can't. She knows my secret. If I break up with her, don't do what she wants, or tell anyone about what she does then she will tell the guys and the whole world my secret. 

I sighed and answered the phone only to be greeted by Destiny's annoying voice screaming at me from the other end.

"Liam! You are supposed to bring me some breakfast in bed! Get your lazy butt out of bed and bring me some breakfast!!" She screamed in my ear.  

Oh crap I totally forgot I was supposed to bring her breakfast this morning. I quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on a shirt and some pants.

"I'll be there in a second." I said into the phone while searching through my drawers for my keys.

"Good and hurry" She said and then hung up. 

I found my keys and rushed down the out the door and into the elevator only to be greeted by all of the guys.

"Where are you going Liam?" Niall asked me.

"Destiny's house." I told him.

They all looked down and Niall just muttered a simple "oh" I felt bad because the boys thought that I was really dating Destiny and that I actually loved her. I knew that they hated her and I did too but there wasn't anything I could do about it.

"Wait but don't we have rehearsels in like 20 minutes?" Harry asked me.

Crap I had totally forgot about rehearsels. Even though I was considered 'Daddy direction' I was starting to slip away from that all because of Destiny. I was missing rehearsels, being late for meetings, and just being late for everything. I hope the boys weren't noticing to much.

"Oh ya just tell them that I will be a little late." I said to him.

I tried to ignore all the questioning looks I was getting but it was pretty hard.

"But Liam you're 'Daddy direction' you're never late." Louis said still giving me a look. "Can't Destiny wait?"

Yes Destiny can most certainly wait. "No she's my girlfriend she doesn't need to wait." I lied.

"Okay Liam what's going on?" Zayn asked me. "I mean you're late all the time and you miss rehearsels all together sometimes."

Destiny is what's going on! She is forcing me away and I hate it! I hate her! If only I could tell them... "Nothings going on Zayn! Gosh why do you guys always have to be so nosey?" It came out a little bit harsher then I had intended but I was just frustrated with Destiny.

"Okay whatever you say" said Louis.

Finally the elevator got down to the lobby and I quickly ran out of the elevator and the hotel. I jumped into my car and made started to make my way towards starbucks to buy her some breakfast. 

I quickly drove to her house and knocked on the door. She opened the door with a scowl on her face (like always) and it deepened when she saw me. 

"It's about time!" she yelled at me.

I knew it would be best if I didnt say anything so I just stood there watching her eat her food.

Destiny was about 5'5' and had dark brown hair with highlights that went down to her lower back. She had dark brown eyes that were so lifeless and not pretty at all. She had a nose job so her nose was very unnatural and hideous. On her face she had so much make up on it was rediculous. I was surprised that she could even see through all the mascara on her eyelashses.

After she was finished she looked up at me with a mischievious grin on her face and I knew what was coming next. Another thing that she wanted me to do. 

"So Liam, I assume you know what I want?" I just simply sighed in reply and sat down next to her. "I want you to start yelling at one of your band mates at rehearsels today and tell him that his singing sucks and he shouldn't even be there and just make an argument and then storm off." I stared at her in disbelief. The things she made me do weren't nice at all like one time she made me go to the park and take canes and walkers from old people and then push them over and spit in their faces. It was horrible and I was about to cry, but she has never told me to do something that has to do with the band. 

"I am not doing that." I simply said. 

"Okay it's your choice but you know the consequences." She smirked at me.

I really didn't want to do that to them I could lose my friend or all of them but I don't want anyone to know my secret and I will do everything i can to keep it safe. "Fine" I grumbled.

"Yay, that's my boy. Now I was thinking that Niall would be good choice because he's just like a little kid and would probaby just burst into tears and cry for days."

I almost lost it after she said that. "I am not doing that to Niall! He would take it so bad and he's so fragile and I will never put him throught that. I am not doing Niall! I'll do Harry he might take it okay."

"Okay whatever you want." She said as she rolled her eyes at me. "Well that's it so you can go now you are 30 minutes late for rehearsels."

I ran out of the door as fast as I could. I couldn't stand to be around that girl for even a second longer. especially after what she said about Niall. Did she honestly think I would do that to Niall? She is a horrible horrible person. I was so deep in thought about Destiny that I almost missed my turn. I quickly took the turn and pulled into the studio.

I jumped out and ran to the door and pulled it open. The boys were in the middle of singing One Thing but they stopped when they saw me. They all had looks on their faces like they were disappointed in me. I didn't blame them.

"Aw Liam how nice of you to join us." Simon said.

"Sorry it won't happen again" I said .

"Liam you've been saying that for the past 2 weeks and yet it's still happening." Simon said. I could tell that he was really angry with me.

"I'm sorry I will get better" I said and climbed on stage. We started from the very beginning of the show and by the time we made it to WMYB I decided it was time for me to make my scene.

"Grr Harry!! Quit messing it all up!!" I yelled right in the middle of his solo.

"What do you mean?" He asked a lot calmer.

"I mean your singing and everything! It's a good thing that the girls like your looks because they certainly don't like your singing!" as soon as I said that I felt way bad but I knew I had to go through with this.

"What?!!" Harry yelled back at me. "ME messing this whole thing up! You're the one who doesn't even know the routines because you're too busy hanging out with that whore to show up on time!!"

"And now you insult my girlfriend, real mature Harry" I said then stormed off. 

All of the boys just sat there watching me leave with confused looks on their faces. I felt so horrible but there isn't anything I can do. I had to protect that secret with my life. I hate Destiny for making me do this and I hate her for using my secret against me. I let out a yell of frustration and hopped in my car and drove back to the hotel.


Okay that's chapter one it's not the best I'm sorry but oh well. Comment vote fan:) Feedback is helpful too. Thanks:)

McKenna x 

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