Searching (chapter 11)

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"He he he!" I giggled as I was running outside with my best friend Kyle.

"You can't catch me! you can't catch me! he he he!" Kyle yelled running away from me.

I started running faster and I finally caught up to him tagging him.

"Tag you're it!" I yelled as I started running away.

"Darn!" He said running after me now.

After 2 minutes of chasing me, he stopped and shifted into his black, baby werewolf form and finally tagged me.

"Hey, that's not fair!" I crossed my arms angrily.

"Yeah it is, you can do it too!" He argued.

"Fine!" I yelled shifting into my small griffin form. Kyle ran fast but I caught up and gently tagged him so my nails wouldn't hurt him.

Kyle started running but I flew so he wouldn't catch me since he didn't have wings.

'Hey!' Kyle thought in my head.

'What, you said we could shift,' I giggled. I was a little shaky on flying since I just started to learn. I was too busy focusing on my flapping and gliding when I ran into a tree. Everything went black and the last thing I saw was my mom running towards me.

***Dream/flashback over**

I was awakened by Raven shaking me.

"Mom, is that you?" I mumbled.

"What? No it's me, Raven. I'm leaving now," Raven held a straight face.

"Oh, ok... Um bye!" I smiled and waved, but all Raven did was smirk, shift into a raven, and fly away. 'Why did I have that flashback?' I thought to myself. I thought about it a little more until I was interrupted by a twig snapping. I lifted my head quickly, jumping out of my bed running outside quietly. I saw a boy with light brown hair and green eyes, he wore a red t-shirt and blue jeans, and he was just a few inches taller than me. It looked like as if he was looking for something. I turned invisible and quietly walked towards him and stood right in front of him and turned visible again.

"Ahh!" He jumped as he saw me.

"Sorry to scare you, I just saw you wal-" I stopped talk,ng to realize he was a human. I formed a dagger in my hands. " What are you doing here?" I said all serious like. The boy looked scared and he didn't say anything. "Answer me!" I demanded, clutching the dagger harder.

"I-i-i was just w-walking in t-the woods and I was j-just looking for m-my family, please don't hurt me!" He pleaded covering his hands in his face. 'What a baby!' I thought. I sighed.

"I won't hurt you," I put the dagger away. "What is your family doing here in the woods, it's dangerous," I told him.

"W-we were just camping," He stuttered still scared from what just happened.

"Oh, well go home, it's dangerous here," I shooed him.

"I was going by them so we could go but," his voice trailed off.

"Good, leave," I held a straight face. The boy didn't say anything and just walked away. "Ugh, humans," I thought out loud to myself as I shook my head.

I went to search since I was already outside. I came across another guy but he was human, he was a Demigod. He wasn't the other Demigod because he looked completely different. He has dark, short brown hair and sky blue eyes. He wore a navy blue shirt and tan jeans with muddy white converse, and he was slightly muscular too. He was by the pond washing his face. When he was done rubbing his eyes, he saw me and stood up. I quickly hid behind a tree and chills went all over my back when me made eye contact. I have to admit he was attractive but I'm not really the "dating" type.

"Well, it's not everyday you see a girl stalking you," he said. I couldn't help but laugh and I quit bidding behind the tree.

"I'm not stalking you, I was looking for something," I slightly smiled.

"Looking for what?" he asked as he crossed his muscular arms.

"My kind, long story," I shrugged and looked away as if it was no big deal.

"Oh well my name is Jay, son of Apollo," he said reaching out his hand. I stared at it for a couple of seconds then shook it.

"I'm Sparrow, I have magic powers and I can also shift into a griffin," I smiled and let go of his warm hand. It got quiet for a couple seconds until Jay spoke up.

"Can I see you do magic?" he asked nervously.

"Um... sure," I shrugged as fire formed in my right hand and water in my left hand.

"Whoa, cool!" Jay said in awe. "Doesn't your hand hurt?" he tilted his head.

"No I don't feel a thing," I shrugged as I turned turned off the fire and water. "Now I better get going, bye," I smiled and waved.

"Bye, it was nice to meet you!" he waved. I shifted into a griffin and flew further into the forest.

My wings started getting tired so I landed on the grass and shifted back to my human form. I was wearing my purple shirt, regular skinny jeans, and my black worn-out converse.

I was just randomly walking when my ankle had a sharp pain. I looked to see a dart-looking thing in my ankle. When I saw it I started feeling dizzy and then I felt darkness.


I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I didn't update sooner, my internet shut down again and it will probably happen again so if I don't update for a long time you know why. Thanks for reading, voting, and following. Love you❤️ bye ^-^

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