Chap-3 Known Stranger

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Ri- It's Riddhima, not basket

Ar- Oh wow, you're on this flight, sitting beside me, wow

Ri- I can't believe I'm sitting next to you...

Ar- Basket has undergone a makeover

Ri- What?

Ar- Yeah, I mean I don't remember you looking so pretty in college

Ri- Listen, Mr. Armaan Malik please sit quietly in your seat

Ar- How can I basket, I mean seeing you after so many years...

Ri- Uh...shut up would you...

Ar- Please make me...

Ri- Ahh...go to hell

Ar- Which way is it, would you like to tell

Ri- Ahh...shut up 

Ar- We'll enjoy this trip, Basket...

Ri- Oh god!!!

During the whole flight to Delhi, Armaan kept irritating me, not that it was something new, but I expected him to become a gentleman at least after so many years

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During the whole flight to Delhi, Armaan kept irritating me, not that it was something new, but I expected him to become a gentleman at least after so many years. But unfortunately, he was as irritating as he was on the first day of college,


Armaan, Armaan, Armaan, Armaan.....come on Armaan...

It was the first time I saw Armaan, on the basketball court, playing. It was like all the girls were drooling over him.

Armaan, Armaan, Armaan...

Ri- [Who cares, I'm outta here]

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Ri- [Who cares, I'm outta here]

Suddenly the ball comes and hits on Riddhima's head,

Ar- Hey...can we have the ball, please...

Riddhima walks to him dribbling the ball,

Ri- Don't you watch the ball when you play?

Ar- Isn't your attitude too much for that outfit of yours?

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