Chap-35 Love and Care

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Ar- Riddhima, please don't, we'll talk about it later

Bi- Yeah, I mean it can't be your fault

Ri- But I'm the reason he's like that

Ar- Riddhima, why don't you go and meet Sid, he must be tensed

Ri- Fine, yeah I'll go

She left the room in confusion and worry. Sid was walking around in his room worriedly,

Sid- Why is she not picking up, why is she ignoring me?

Ri- Sid...

I barged into the room. I saw him walking around the room when he suddenly started feeling dizzy,

Ri- Sid!!!

He was about to fall down,

Sid- I'm fine...I'm fine. Tell me did she pick up your calls?


Sid- Riddhima where is she?

Ri- Look at this

I show him Niki's message. He reads it again and again when tears roll down his eyes. He smiled sadly,

Ri- Sid...

Sid- That girl...[clears throat]...she still worries about me huh!!!

Ri- Sid...

I put my hands on his shoulders when he apologetically turns towards me,

Sid- I'm sorry Riddhima...I'm really sorry. I couldn't see who I was hurting in my anger

Ri- I understand Sid...

Sid- I hurt you today, I kept hurting her for so long. She always stopped me from doing anything stupid in my anger, she always stood by me and I kept hurting her every time

He started crying. I went closer to him and hugged him by his shoulder. He cried, he cried a lot. Finally, a few hours later he fell asleep after the doctor visited him. 

I went to Armaan's room to take a glance at him. I found him lying on the bed and Billy uncle was sitting beside him. When I went closer to the bed he said,

Bi- Riddhima, can I talk to you beta?

Ri- Yes, uncle

Bi- Come with me

Armaan was sleeping when I and Uncle went to the cafeteria of the hospital. 

Bi- Riddhima, tell me, whatever happened was it after you met Sonia?

I felt guilty when he said that. 

Ri- Yes. I ran away from there when she told that...that

Bi- She was his fiancee!!!

I looked at him in a surprise,

Ri- Yes!!!

Bi- Then I think I deserve to be punished, not him

Ri- Wha...what???

Bi- Yeah. I was the one who got him engaged to that...that girl...

Ri- But...then what happened?

Uncle told me everything about how he got him engaged to Sonia because her father was his business partner and they decided that their kids should get married. He also told that after getting engaged to his daughter, she had stolen lakhs of rupees from their company illegally. 

He also told how Armaan got her arrested and they called off their engagement.

Bi- I was the one who pushed him into this relationship. He wasn't even agreeing to this, but I forced him

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