Chap-18 Sangeet

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Ka- Siyah! You're finally here

An- Hi, Siyah

Si- Hey Anji...introduce me would you!

An- Oh, of course, guys this Siyah, Karan's distant cousin

Si- But still close, right bro

Ka- Right

An- Hahahaha...Siyah, this is my younger sister Riddhima

Si- Oh, she's the one you guys keep talking about huh

An- Yeah!

Si- Hi Riddhima, nice to meet you 

Ri- Hi!!!

An- Siyah, this is Muskaan my bestie and Rahul, her husband

Si- Hi guys!!! Nice to meet you

Ra- Nice to meet you too

An- And that is Armaan, my bestie

Si- He's the first person I saw

Ar- Uh...hi

Mu- What the hell! Is she flirting with him?

Ni- I know right...Riddhima what do you say?

Ri- What will I say, when the person doesn't mind, then what should we say?

Ni- Riddhima

She pretended that it didn't matter to her, but Armaan could make out that she was feeling jealous. He tried to play along to make her feel even more jealous

Ar- Siyah...where did you come from?

Si- I just came from Kolkata right now, I work there

Ar- Wow, it must be a good place huh?

Si- Of course, but the people are quite aggressive there. But I miss Delhi...especially when there are bachelors like you here

Ar- Ahh...even I miss Delhi...I work in Bangalore now

Si- Oh is that so! Then we stay pretty far huh?

Ar- Yeah!!!

She took a step closer to him and he played along. He looked at Riddhima sometimes who was burning red with jealousy. 

Ar- [Oye hoye, Riddhima is feeling jealous...gosh, she looks even cuter when she's jealous]

Shashank and Billy come there after a while,

Sha- Kids...listen we need your help with stuff there, can you come along. Riddhima, you stay with Anjali here, rest of you come with me.

Armaan immediately signals Billy to let him stay here. Siyah sees him and laughs silently

Bi- Uh... Shashank, let Armaan stay with Karan, he might need something

Sha- Oh! Are you fine with that Armaan?

Ar- Of course, uncle, Karan might need something

Ka- Yeah dad, let him stay

Sha- Okay...then kids come with us...

All of them leave with Billy and Shashank and meanwhile, Armaan and Riddhima stay there. Karan asks him to come closer to him when he whispers in his ear,

Ka- Nice choice bro

Ar- What do you mean?

Ka- Riddhima...anyone can tell

Ar- What?

Ka- Sto pretending...but really you have a good choice. She's a little softer than mine

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