Chap-5 Ignoring

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Riddhima goes to take a shower. 

Ri- [I thought I was over this, but why is it happening again?]

The whole shower went on with worries. After a while, Riddhima went downstairs to help everyone.

An- Yeah do it that way, put it there

Ri- Di, need any help?

An- Um...give a hand to Muskaan outside, she looking after the flower decorations

Ri- Oh yeah sure...I'll get going

An- Ridzi!!!

Ri- Yeah Di?

An- Are you okay?

Ri- Yeah Di, why do you ask?

An- No, what I saw upstairs...

Ri- Oh that! It was an accident Di

An- Ridzi, are you over that thing what happened in that year?

Ri- Yeah...yeah Di

An- Are you sure Ridzi?

Ri- Yeah Di... don't worry. I'll get going then...

An- Yeah...

Ri- [Di always told me that I was so innocent anyone could fool me. I always defended myself when she told this, but I didn't even guess it could be her best friend who would fool me like that]

Mu- Hey...look the flowers aren't proper at that side...what are you doing...properly

Ri- Hey Muskaan  

Mu- me here.

Ri- Yeah, that's why I came...

Mu- Your sister is so difficult to please you know...

Ri- Yeah, but I think you know her better, bestie after all

Mu- Hahahahaha...yeah I know...

Ri- Tell me what to do?

Mu- Just see these people work properly

Ri- Ok...

Mu- Ridzi how are you doing?

Ri- I'm doing just fine Muskaan...better actually

Mu- You left so suddenly that year...we all were pretty worried about you

Ri- I know...I'm sorry about that

Mu- It's ok Ridzi...I know why did you take such a difficult decision

Ri- I didn't know what to do at that time, I thought maybe leaving Delhi and concentrating on the work would be a good idea...

Mu- Are you okay now, I mean with him around?

Ri- Muskaan, he doesn't exist for me anymore, all I have to say about him is that he's an irritating moron

Mu- You're so great ya...I wish I could do the same with Rahul

Ri- Muskaan, he's your husband...

Mu- That's why I said that

Ri and Mu- Hahahahaha......

We burst out into laughter. Everyone was busy working in the house, Anjali, and Papa...Rahul and Armaan, Muskaan and Riddhima, Nani and mom took the kitchen dept. 

Ar- Rahul check out the sweets

Ra- Armaan leave some for everyone, would you?

Ar- Can't help it ya, laddoo is my favorite, you know that

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