Chap-17 A Little Close

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By 7:00 pm everyone was done except Riddhima. She had got her make-over done in the last. Everyone had already left to go and get dressed. 

It took almost 30 minutes to get her make-over done. Anjali had already texted her that they had left to go to the venue. She was in her room still getting dressed.

So- Done, get dressed quickly

Ri- Yeah, thanks can go now

So- Okay, enjoy

Ri- Thanks bye

She quickly took out her blouse, dupatta, and lehenga. 

Ra- Armaan, go and check if anyone is left at home

Ar- Didn't the girls leave already?

Ra- Still dude, give it a check

Ar- Okay, I'll go and see 

Riddhima had already put on the dress. She tried to put on the back laces of her blouse but couldn't.

Ri- Oh shit! I can't reach the laces down. I think Sonia might still be there.

SONIA...SONIA...can you come up and help

Armaan entered the house and heard Riddhima's voice. 

Ri- Sonia...I'm stuck can you please help me? Sonia...

He ran upstairs and gently opened the door.

Ar- [When I entered the room I saw Riddhima standing there. She was dressed in a red lehenga. She tried hard to reach the laces of her blouse. Her skin was exposed and it looked very beautiful]

He moved forward to her and took the laces in his hands.

Ar-[ I touched her soft skin at the back]

Ri- [A shiver ran down my spine when I felt the touch on my exposed skin]

Ar- [She moved a little when my fingers caused a tickle on her back]

Riddhima turned around and was surprised to see Armaan standing there. She moved back with a sudden jerk.

Ri- Armaan...what are you...what are you doing here...why did you come here?

Ar- Shhh...[he places a finger on her lips]. There is nobody in the house. Only I came to check if anyone was left or not. I thought you needed help so I came inside.

Ri- It''s fine I'll do it

Ar- Riddhima only the last few laces are left let me do it, your hands won't reach there

Ri- Armaan

Ar- Riddhima, listen to me. We are late already

Ri- Fine

Unwillingly she agreed to take his help. She slowly turned back and he started to tie her laces again.

Ri- [His fingers made my back cold. I could feel his fingers on my skin. I couldn't stop but kept moving because it was tickling me]

Ar- Riddhima...stop moving...[he slowly whispers]. [Her skin was soft, I started to run my fingers around her back. She slowly moved her left side once, her right side once. I wished that the time would stop here. It would be only me and Riddhima in a room, all alone without anyone interrupting us]

Ri- Armaan, is it done?

Ar- Yeah almost completed...[I didn't want to leave her, I was longing to touch her so much]

Ri- Armaan!!!

Ar- you need any more help?

Ri- necklace

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