Chap-12 Truth

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Ri- Armaan...please...don't joke about it?

Ar- Riddhima I'm serious about it...will you date me?

Riddhima was confused with her mixed feelings. 

I want to trust him so badly...I know...I know I like him

Ri- Armaan...I...I like you too

Armaan was surprised after listening to that. He was happy, he was very happy after listening to that.

Ar- I love you Riddhima

He hugs her in excitement. He runs his fingers through her face making her feel shy. Her phone starts ringing

Ri- Hello

Sid- Riddhima where are you?

Ri- Uh...I'm coming, I'll join you guys in a bit ok

Sid- Ok...come soon

She hangs up looking at Armaan who had a question mark face.

Ar- Who was it?

Ri- Sid...they are waiting in the cafe

Ar- That guy...he always sticks around you right

Ri- Armaan, he's my friend

Ar- Not just a friend Riddhima, I think he likes you

Ri- way

Ar- I'm not joking...really

Ri- Are you jealous?

Ar- What if I am?

Ri- Armaan, I need to go

Ar- 15 minutes more

Ri- Armaan...

Ar- 10 minutes

Ri- Armaan...

Ar- Come on at least five minutes ya

Ri- Ok ok...tell me then

Ar- Um...I wanna take you out somewhere

Ri- Where?

Ar- Surprise...

Ri- Armaan?

Ar- I'll pick you up at 6 okay...we'll talk then

Ri- Ok...your five minutes are over...I'm going now

Ar- Ok...see you later

Ri- Bye

She left saying this and went back to the cafeteria. In the meantime, Niki and Sid were having fun looking at the arrangements for the festival when they saw Muskaan and Anjali hanging around there. They looked at each other confused,

Sid- Niki, didn't Riddhima say she went to meet Anjali

Ni- I know, then how is she here?

Sid- Let's go and ask

Riddhima luckily saw them walking towards Anjali when she rushed to them stopping them from talking to Anjali.

Ri- Guys I'm here

Ni- Riddhima...Anjali is...

Ri- Yeah, actually she left early, I had some work in the classroom, so I...

Sid- Oh...we were just going to ask her where you were

Ri- I'm here now, let's go

Niki and Sid kept exchanging confused glances with each other. In a few days, everyone around them slowly started to realize that something was different about her. 

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