Chap-34 Clarity

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Sid- Riddhima just, think about it once...

Ri- No, Sid. I've already caused enough pain to all of you. I can't stay like that anymore

Sid- Riddhima, at least listen to me...

He stood up and came close to me. His hands were moving towards my face, but I moved away.

Ri- Sid...please don't!!! I don't love you, I see you only as my friend

Sid- Riddhima...just think about it once!!!

Ri- No Siddhant, I don't love you,

Before I could say something, he violently walked towards me, grabbed my shoulder with his hand and pulled me closer. I could see the anger in his eyes, his eyes were red. I felt very scared

Ri- Sid, you're hurting me

Sid- I am hurting or you have hurt me all this time. What not did I do for you? Always, I stood beside you when he was the one to hurt you. Armaan fooled you first, again he came back to you and again he hurt you, but still, still you love him...why Riddhima why?

Ri- Siddhant...please

I tried to let go of his hold, but he wouldn't let me go. He kept grabbing me harder and harder

Sid- Why can't you love me Riddhima...why can't you love me?

Nikita heard everything from outside and let herself in,

Sid- Am I not enough for you, I can love you more than him Riddhima...I love you

Ri- Sid you're hurting me...

Niki came and slapped him tightly. 

He looked at me with confused and rageful eyes,

Ni- Sid...what's wrong with you. Can't you see your madness is hurting other people

He looked at Riddhima who was standing there dumbfounded and also scared. There were tears in her eyes,

Sid- Riddhima...I

Ri- I'll be leaving guys

Ni- Riddhima...

She didn't stop even after I called her. I really couldn't believe that Sid could do something so violent with Riddhima. I looked at him hurtfully,

Ni- Sid...why did you?

He bursts into tears and sits jerkily on his bed. He was shocked when Riddhima told him that she doesn't love him.

Ni- [sobbing]...Siddhant, please stop this...[sobs]...please. I can't see you like this anymore

Sid- Niki, I

Ni- Please forget her Siddhant, you can't make a person love you forcefully, I'm begging you...[sobs]...stop hurting yourself, stop, please

Sid- I...

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and fell on the ground. I was completely broken, I couldn't stand him seeing like this anymore. His pain, my heartbreak, I didn't have any strength left to face this pain. I wanted to run away from there,

Sid- Niki...please get up...[cries]

She gets up but runs away from the room. She madly keeps running and crying.

Sid- Nikita...Nikita...please stop Niki...[painfully]

He called up Riddhima.

In the meanwhile, in the room next door

Armaan was still lying on the bed when I entered his room. I couldn't hold back my tears after whatever happened with Sid. He tried hard to sit straight and called me,

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