Chap-15 My Promise

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Na- Here you go...tomorrow the main ceremonies are starting, so it's the last day you'll get to eat what I made

Boys and Girls- Thank you, Nani

Na- Eat up properly

Everyone started eating. The boys had to feed the girls because their hands had Mehendi on it. Nikita first thought maybe Sid will feed Riddhima, but he started feeding her first

Ni- Riddhima?

Sid- I can feed both of you

Ni- Hmm...

When he looked at Riddhima, both of them were still looking at each other. A few seconds after that, Armaan told,

Ar- I'll feed you Riddhima

Ri- Armaan, I'm not feeling hungry

Ar- Riddima, if you're angry on me, don't take it out on your food. It's not food's fault ya

Riddhima looked at him in surprise.


When Sid looked at them, Nikita's words flashed in his mind.

Ni- She loves Armaan, she always has

He turned towards her and started feeding her.

Sid- Eat've already troubled me listen to me okay

Ni- Okay!

Sid started feeding her. Riddhima also started eating with Armaan.

Ri- [Armaan, I know that I love you, but I also know that my heart can't bear any more pain that it already has. I will never allow myself to love you again]

Ar- [Riddhima, I know you won't allow your feelings to come out, but I know that my love will make you confess your feelings yourself. I'm Armaan after all. There's no word called giving up in my dictionary]

Anjali felt a little uneasy looking at Armaan like that. She called him and asked him to come out for a second. Riddhima started talking to Niki and Sid while he was gone.


An- Armaan, what is all this?

Ar- What Anji?

An- Armaan, why are you getting close to my sister again, what is your motive this time?

Ar- Anji, how could you say that? I have no motive ok, even if there is, then it's that I love her. Is it reasonable enough?

An- Armaan, we aren't kids anymore, so stop joking around

Ar- Anji...if not her at least you believe that what I'm telling is true. I know because of what I did before, you can't trust me too...but Anji...please, believe me, I really love Riddhima. I can do anything to get her.

An- But?

Bi- He's right beta

Ar- Dad?

An- Uncle?

Bi- Yeah, today when he told me about it, I couldn't believe at first but...a father can easily make out if his son is lying or telling the truth. He is telling the truth beta

An- If it's really true uncle, then I think Riddhima is very lucky

Ar- Anji?

An- Yeah might be a playboy in your past but I know, you wouldn't repeat that mistake you made that time. You're my best friend, I know you

Ar- Anji...[he hugs her tightly]

An- I love you Armaan, and I know even she does

Ar- What?

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