Chap-26 The Pinky Swear

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In the hospital,

Sid made all the arrangements for Nikita's discharge. He took all the stuff of her and walked out along with her.

Ni- Sid! I can walk on my own

Sid- Keep quiet, just hold my hand tightly and walk slowly

Ni-'re really worrying unnecessarily

Sid- Come on, the cab is waiting outside

Ni- Okay.....

At that time I felt like I was seeing this Sid after a very long time. He always worried and panicked when something happened to me.

Ni- Gimme the ball,

Sid- Here take it

Ni- I got it, I got it...


She crashed on the ground trying to catch the ball

Sid- Niki...Niki...are you alright

Ni- Yeah I'm fine...just a little scratch

Sid- Oh...there's blood...[cries]...Niki, you fell because of me. Your knee scraped because of me

He starts crying.

Ni-'s nothing. Take me home first

Sid- [cries]...I'm sorry. Come I'll give you a piggyback ride

Ni- Ok, but stop crying first

Sid- [sobs]...ok get on

Niki climbs on little Sid's back. He takes her home which was only 5 minutes away.

Sid- Aunty...[cries]...Niki...she got hurt

Mom- Sid, Niki what happened?

Ni- Mom, I just scraped my knee while playing

Sid- It was because of me...[cries]

Mom- Oh...Sid, it's nothing. I'll just dress it

Sid- Will it pain aunty?

Mom- Oh will only burn slightly

Ni- Quickly mom, it's itchy

Mom- I'll get the first aid box

Sid- I'm're in pain because of me

Ni- Do you want a lollipop?

Sid- Yes, yes

Ni- Mom will give if you stop crying

Sid- See I stopped

Mom- Come on, I'll dress your knee

Sid- Aunty, gently

Both of them start laughing. Her mom gently dresses her knee. She lets out a few painful moans but Sid tries to control his tears.

Sid- [No don't cry, you won't get a lollipop then]

Mom- Done. Now, who wants a lollipop?

Both- ME!!!

Later they take the lollipop and go outside. Niki questions him about why was he crying when her knee had scrapped.

Sid- I get worried when you're sick or hurt?

Ni- Really!!! But why?

Sid- Because I like you very much

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