Chapter One: The Simpsons

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(The simpsons appearances are going to be what they are seen in the episode called "Barthood". Just letting ya know)

ALSO! My writing should get better throughout this..please bare with this shit.

-Your P.O.V-

"Mom, do we have tooo? I am not good with first impressions or being social for that matter," I whined.

My mom wanted to meet our neighbors, I however didn't. I'm not good at meeting new people, I'm too awkward. My dad wants us to have good first impressions, but he wouldn't really care if we met the neighbors but he went along mom's side for her sake.

We just recently moved away from our old home back at (wherever lol) to Springfield. My life back there wasn't so bad but it wasn't too interesting either. I hate new beginnings and unfamiliar environment. I prefer my old home where I'm used to and so on.

"Yes, (Y/n)! Stop being so lazy. We don't want to give off a bad impression or come on as one of "those neighbors" so let's go!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I bet you it will be fun! You will probably make some new friends and even get a boyfriend," She smirked, raising her eyebrows.

"Mom!" I groaned in disgust.

"Ah, ah, ah. No boyfriends or dating for that matter," My dad playfully barked.

"Please stop," I plead.

"Alright, alright. Let's just meet them, already," My mom said, opening the front door.

I sigh deeply and walk out the door, followed by my dad then mom. We walk to the house on the right side, a pale brown house with a pink car.

"Unique," I think.

My mom goes up the steps and knocks on the door. Muffled voices could be heard on the it her side of the door but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

After a moment, a lady with weird blue hair, a purple shirt, beige pants, and orange necklace and black sandals answers.

"Oh hello! How may I help you?" The lady asks.

"Hi! My names (M/n) (mothers name), this is my husband (F/n) (father's name), and this is my daughter, (Y/n)!" Mom says pointing to us.

"We are new here and decided to stop and say hello!"

"Oh! That's why I didn't recognize you! Welcome to Springfield, please come in!" The lady says, motioning us to come in.

"She seems nice,"

My mom smiles and leads the way in.

"Nice home you got here!" My mom chirps.

"Why thank you!" The lady thanks.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't even introduce myself," She laughs.

"I'm Marge, Marge Simpson,"

"Nice to meet you, Marge!" My mom and dad say.

"Nice to meet you all as well!"

"Here, have a seat right there. Il go get my family to introduce themselves," Marge smiles, pointing to the living room, walking away. We sat down but turned when we heard Marge shouting names.

"Homer! Bart! Lisa! Maggie! We have
new neighbors, Come here!" Marge shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Woo hoo! New neighbors, did Flanders finally move away?" Some man called, walking down the stairs, followed by three other people.


"No, Homer. Ned didn't move away," Marge said, rolling her eyes.

"Doh!" The man named "Homer" groaned.

"This is my family, this is my daughter-" Marge was cut off by the teen girl.

"Ooh, new neighbors! Hi, I'm Lisa!" The girl with weird blonde hair, an orange shirt, blue jeans, teal and white shoes, and a white pearl necklace, perked. She looked around my age. My mother nudged me a bit, I waved shyly.

"This is Maggie, my youngest daughter" Marge said, pointing to the younger child with spikey blonde hair, a blue ribbon, black t-shirt, blue jeans and white shoes. She gave a big smile and waved.

"This one back here is Bart, the oldest and my only son" Marge said, pointing to a boy with blonde side swept hair, a light green t-shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes. He had his hands in his pockets and was looking down.

"Hey," Bart greeted, half-heartedly whilst looking up. He swayed his hair to the side to remove it from blocking his vision. Once he did his eyes landed on me. Red tinted his cheeks for a minute before he looked away, running the back of his neck.

"He's kinda cute.."
I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"And this is my husband, Homer," Marge said, pointing to the older male that was bald, has a beard, a blue shirt, beige pants, and brown shoes on.

"Hello," Homer said, emphasizing the "o".

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm (M/n)" My mom said.

"I'm (D/n), (M/n)'s husband," My dad said.

"I-i'm (Y/n)," I stuttered.

"It's nice to have new neighbors! Say, why don't my kids get to know (Y/n) for a bit, and Homer and I get to know you guys a bit?" Marge suggested.

"That's a wonderful idea! Wouldn't you say so, (Y/n)?" My mom asked, giving me that say-yes-or-il-kill-you face. I nodded and gave a small smile.

"Great! Kids, show (Y/n) to the Kitchen, we'll stay in the living room," Marge says.

"Sure thing, mom. Follow me, (Y/n)!" Lisa said, coming by my side.

"Okay," I say, getting up from the couch.

Lisa leads the way to the kitchen, followed by Bart, then Maggie.

"Maggie, why don't you go hang out with Gerald?" Lisa suggests.

Maggie rolls her eyes, and leaves the kitchen. I have a seat across from Lisa, Bart is beside me.

"So, (Y/n). Where are you from?" Lisa asks.

"Oh boy this might be a long day,"

Heyo! So I'm going to leave it at that for now. Sorry if it sucks it is currently 2am and this is kinda rushed. And sorry if it's short. I promise it will get better and the chapters will be longer. See you bishes in the next chapter ☆✌

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