Chapter Nineteen: The Halloween Party

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Warning! This chapter contains the use of drinking and drugs ⚠

The time of the party has finally come. I am beyond excited to see what Bart and everyone's reactions will be when I step into the house. Everyone's eyes will be on me!

I would go to Bart's place within 15 or less minutes or so since his house wasn't that far away from mine. It typically doesn't take long for me to arrive at his house.

I decided that I was going to sneak out to Bart's through my bedroom window, I needed be careful and sneaky about this. If my parents heard me trying to sneak out of the house and/or somehow get inside my bedroom and see that I wasn't there they would have a freak out and I didn't want that, obviously. I've had enough of their lecturing. I'm 17 for God's sake, not 7! I can take care of myself and do whatever I please. Whether anybody likes it or not nobody can stop me from doing what I want to do.

I looked back over to my makeshift body underneath the covers on my bed. I set up a couple pillows vertically to make it look like somebody is sleeping on the bed - that somebody being me. Incase if my parents found someway to unlock the door and walk in, they'd think that I would be sleeping under the covers.

My eyes gazed into the mirror at my reflection. I quickly fixed myself up, dusting off my outfit, readjusting the accessories and smoothing my hair. I had my face all glammed up as well, thanks to Jessica lending me her makeup. I applied on concealer, bronzer, (S/c) foundation, shimmery, and glowing highlight. For my eye makeup, I used the eyeliner to make a cat eye, added voluminous mascara on my lashes, and settled with a 'smokey cat eye' eyeshadow look. For the final touch, I applied light pink lipstick with a clear coat over to make my lips pop.

With one final look into the mirror, satisfied with what I looked like, I slid open up my window ever so quietly. Cautiously, I slid the window down behind me and stood on the edge of the window sill, looking down at the ground below me.

Since there was a tree by my window, I proceeded to jump onto a large branch and climb my way down the trunk of the tree to the ground safely.

Once I landed onto the ground, I dusted myself off incase of any creepy crawlers, twigs and leafs landed on me. Luckily there was nothing on me and my outfit looked perfectly fine. I quickly began walking down the barely lit up street.

I felt a vibration in my pocket followed by a 'ding', meaning that someone has texted me. I whipped out my phone to see a text from Jessica,

The party is on! You ready to get it started?

I smirked and typed back,

Omw right now

She quickly responded back with,

Nice! IL wait for you along with the other girls by the outside door sound good?

Sounds Gucci

-Time Skip-

'This is it chief. My first ever Halloween party," I thought to myself as I could see Bart's house in the distance.

《I'm In Love》Bart Simpson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now