Chapter Twenty: Kidnapped

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I ran straight out of the house and onto the
street, tears streaming down my face, my upper torso and legs completely soaked with sticky alcohol. I threw the icky pieces of pizza that were stuck to my arm, chest and in my hair away and onto the ground, the sauce and cheese from the pizza smeared on me. I heard someone shouting my name from inside the house but I didn't listen, I just kept on running as fast as I could in these heeled boots.

Bart asked me to be his date at the party. He said it would just be me and him. After a couple hours of partying, having fun, and not giving a single damn, as I was going to find him to see where he was, I see him sticking his tongue down Jessica's throat. He agreed to be my date to the party!

It's not just Bart that did the wrong thing. Alex, Janey, Allison, Sherri and Terri..they said they were my friends. Just as I stopped doubting them, they back stabbed me. Right when I needed them the most.

And Jessica... I really thought she was misunderstood. I thought she was a true friend. She said for me to stay away Bart for my safety because when she had previously dated him he only used and manipulated her. In a way, she was right about him but she was also being a huge hypocrite by going right up to him and kissing him!

Probably running down a desolate street at night in a revealing cat costume to no where in particular wasn't the wisest decision, especially since Halloween is right around the corner meaning predators were lurking about. But I wasn't thinking logically at the moment. I just needed to get away. I was still drowsy from the weed and alcohol I consumed at that damned party.

I need space. From home, from school, from everyone and everything. I need time for myself.

As if my luck couldn't get any better, it starts raining. Heavily. I continue running in the cold rain, slipping one too many times.

After running nonstop taking no breaks whatsoever, I found myself in one of Springfield's many parks. The trees and grass swayed in the wind. The light posts were barely lit so I couldn't make out anything. There was not a soul in sight. At least that's what I thought.

I shivered slightly and rubbed my arms up and down for warmth, but it didn't do much. Quiet sobs racked my body as I walked down an empty path leading down to the river. My heart ached inside my chest. Then again, who wouldn't feel heartbroken after seeing someone they like kissing your so called 'friend' then get humiliated in front of all the popular people?

I then got that stomach churning feeling, the feeling that someone is watching me, their harsh stare burning the back of my skull. I turned my head around and see no one, not even an animal. I dismissed the feeling without another thought, and continue my way down the cobble stone pathway to the waters, sniffling slightly. My eyes were filled with tears that made my vision blurry. Rain soaked my hair and my outfit, the cool water cascaded down my arms and legs.

Once I got to the waters, I see nobody around once again. Alone in an eerie, empty park at night, slightly drunk and high, wearing a tight, revealing cat costume. Not the brightest idea. There is one lamp post that is lighting the surrounding area around it, barely lighting anything. I make my way over to an empty, cold bench and sat down. I huddled my knees to my chest and cried in my hands. My makeup was probably smeared all over my face but I didn't care.

'I..can't believe Bart would do that...'

I clenched my fists and buried my face in my arm, continously crying my heart out like there's no tomorrow.

A sudden clap of Thunder, followed by a bright flash made me jump in my seat and nearly scream.

'This day can't get anymore worse,'

Despite the heavy rain, my ears perk up to the sound of a twig snapping nearby, followed by the sounds of footsteps crunching on leaves.


Silence was the only answer.

Whatever it was abruptly stopped dead in there tracks. I couldn't even find where the source of the noise was. All that was left besides the rain, sounds of the water, wind against the trees and crickets chirping was an eerie, dark silence that sent shivers down my spine. I started to panic on the inside. What if someone was out there, watching me? The hairs on the back of my neck stood up in response.

Just then the light above me exploded, sending hundreds of tiny pieces of glass to scatter everywhere. I let out a shriek and cover my head as I am surrounded by darkness, my only source of light being the moonlight reflecting off of the waters which didn't provide much help to my needs. I quickly scattered off the bench and looked around in a fright. All evidence of alcohol and weed in me suddenly disappeared as I started to become aware of where I was and what was happening.

'I am at a park, late at night, in a skin tight cat costume, with a predator stalking me in the shadows,'

Then a thought comes into my head. What if this was just Bart pulling one of his little pranks?

"B-Bart?" I called out, my voice shaking slightly.


"B-Bart, if this is-is a prank, this isn't very f-funny!" I stammered. I awaited for the moment that Bart would come out of hiding and reveal that it is him behind all this. I waited for what seemed like eternity, which was probably a minute in reality, but he never came out. He didn't do nor say anything in response.

I start to feel a little shaken, but I'm convinced this is a prank caused by Bart. But..what if it isn't? Dread takes over my body as I try to navigate my way through the darkness.

I heard heavy, thundering foot steps approach from behind me, they weren't slow either, they were rather quick as they splashed against the rain puddles. My fight or fight instinct kicked in - but I did neither. Instead I stood there, fear enveloping my body. I was too scared to turn around and see whoever or whatever it was.

"B-Bart?" I quietly squeak out, not even bothering to turn around.

"Oh dear, I'm not this Bart that you speak of," An unknown voice said from behind me. I gasped in fear. My chest started to tighten up and I found it hard to breathe, I struggled to get air into my lungs.

"H-huh? W-wait! Who ar-" I get cut off by a cloth clasping over my mouth and covering my nose. I tried to scream and yell out for help, but it all comes out muffled. I hold my breath as I can assume chloroform is on the cloth because of the strong and nasty stench.

"Shhh, don't even bother trying to escape. Just accept your fate." The voice revealed itself to be a man, whispered in my ear. My eyes grew as wide as the moon.

I tried to fight back by flailing my arms at whoever this psycho was but he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding my arms back, and having strong grip on both of my arms. I can't hold my breath much longer. I inhaled deeply, immediately feeling a sense of drowsiness caused from the damned chloroform.

My arms eventually give up, falling to my sides as the chloroform starts to kick in. I feel myself getting weaker and weaker by the second. The last thing I heard was the man's maniacal chuckles before my eyes slowly fluttered closed and darkness consumed my vision.

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