Chapter Three: First Day of School Part One

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Thank you for all the reads!♡♡

Oh and if you didn't know, you are in your teens, along with Bart and Lisa.:)

-Your P.O.V-

I wake up to a obnoxious loud annoying beeping of an alarm clock.

"Ughhh," I groan, slowly extending my hand out to graze over the alarm buttons. I eventually turn it off.

"So irritating.." I say as I force myself out of my bed.

"Get up, (Y/n)! It's the first day of school for you," My mother calls from downstairs.

I roll my eyes. My feet slide across thr room to the closet in my room. I change into my outfit for the day.

I go to the bathroom doing what needs to be done, brushing my hair, teeth, etc.

After I finish, I get my bag, and started heading towards the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, honey!" My mom greets.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yep," I say, going to the cabinet and getting my favorite cereal. I then go to the fidget to get milk.
I grab a clean bowl and spoon, and start pouring the cereal into the bowl. I then pour the milk into the bowl. I sit at the table and eat my breakfast.

"Are you ready for school?" My mom looks up from her newspaper.


"Are you excited?" She questions.

I shake my head rapidly. She chuckles.

"Well I got a bus for you, just go next door to the Simpsons at.." She trails off, looking at her watch.

"In about 7 minutes. Bart and Lisa was it? Anyway they will be waiting for you outside to show you the bus stop," She finishes.

"They also texted you about meeting them, did you see?"
I give her a confused look. I take out my phone and there is indeed a message from Lisa.

The text message reads:

"Hey, (Y/n)! Our mom talked with your mom, and our mom said that Bart and I should show you where the bus stop is because you are now taking a bus to school! See you in a little bit ☆"

"You should hurry up dear so you are not late," My mom states.

I nod my head. I quickly finish up my cereal, and leave the house.

"Bye mom!" I call out.

"Bye sweetie, have a great day!" She chirps.

I close the door behind me. I make my way towards the Simpsons household. 

I make my way up the steps. I knock on the door, waiting patiently for someone to answer.
The door opens, revealing Bart. His backpack slung over his shoulder. His face turns red and he looks down.

《I'm In Love》Bart Simpson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now