Chapter Twenty Four: Back at the Party

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Laugher filled the entire house, everyone cackling at (Y/n)'s dismay. Some struggled to catch their breath from how hilarious the whole situation was to them. They reminisced about what happened- (Y/n) dashing out of the house with tears in her eyes, her outfit drenched with sticky alcohol and pieces of pizza stuck to her revealing outfit. Jessica glanced around room at the hollering teenagers with a satisfied smirk etched onto her face. She had did what she always did; like a tornado, she destroyed any person that crossed her way. This was all too easy for the black haired female, a game where she ruled. Manipulating people was her charm, her best and only trait. To her, ruining (Y/n)'s reputation was as easy as slicing a cake. Jessica was a Regina George in sheep's clothing- managing to portray as an innocent, sweet, and friendly church girl on the outside but on the inside she was cunning, devilish, and untrustworthy. She had a penchant for mischief and chaos, and can cross the line farther than Bart himself can, despite her being raised by very religious parents who happen to own the church in Springfield.

In the words of Bart, she fitted perfectly into the role of femme fatale, and wasn't afraid to use it.

Bart didn't understand how or why he kissed Jessica. One minute he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, the next minute his tongue was dancing around in her mouth. What had gotten over him? He'd never let himself do such a thing yet he did. What was wrong with him?

He was feeling rather queasy, not just from the heated contact he had with Jessica moments prior, but he was literally feeling like he was about to throw up. He felt intoxicated but he hadn't consumed anything that contained a drug. He still had yet to drink any alcohol. He only drank fruit punch from the time the party started to when it ended.

Nelson, after sending Bart a death glare his way, bolted out of the house and pushed past all the noisy, drunken teenagers and knocking some onto the ground from how harsh he was pushing through the crowd. He threw open the front door and rushed outside and ran in the middle of the yard. His eyes furiously scanned the property for any sign of (Y/n), but she was no where in sight. He stepped out into the street and looked around again. His brown eyes moved around, scanning his surroundings. (Y/n) was no where to be seen. He knew he'd never be able to find her as she was long gone.

"Hah, what a loser!" Nina Skalka chortled, her blonde pigtails shaking back and forth as she shook her head.

"Slag!" Lewis Clark called out.

"Did you see her? She was crying!" Becky said, laughingly.

"Oof. That's gonna leave a mark on her reputation." Dolph added.

"Even I'm cooler than her!" Ralph piped in, giggling like a child. He wore a childish Woody from Toy Story costume that looked three times smaller than his size, and he had chocolate stains smeared around his mouth and chubby cheeks.

There were some groans within the crowd and some people face-palmed. "Who let in Ralph?!" someone asked aloud.

Bart, although he was feeling extremely light headed, whirled around and faced Jessica with a furious expression on his face.

"Jessica, what the hell?!" he questioned with rage.

Jessica pretended to act oblivious. "What's wrong, Barty~?" she cooed innocently, biting down on her lower lip and raking his form with her eyes.

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