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    I saw a man fall to the ground. I needed to get out of there and stop using alleys as short cuts. I turned to run, but something grabbed me before I could.
    "What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" A man said. He had a tight grip on my wrist.
    "Hey, let go of me!" I said.
    I couldn't see his face because of his mask, which looked like... wait a minute. His mask looks like- that glitch dude from Watchdogs! A video game inspired killer? Something tells me he's not one of the Bangtan Boys.
    "I told you to let go!" I yelled, and tried to pull away.
    "Stop struggling," He said. "It'll only make me want to kill you more."
    I stopped. No. Not me. I will NOT be his next victim. This anger started to boil. Without thinking, I grabbed a random pipe and swung.
    Bingo. I felt the grip on my wrist ease up quite a bit, and that's when I ran. I don't think I've ever ran this fast in my life. I didn't want to go home, so I ran to the corner store next to it. I ran inside, and bumped into someone walking out.
    "Watch it!" said the person.
    "Sorry!" I said. Rude. I tried to walk around them, but they stopped me.
    "Wait, Charlotte?" they asked. I looked up and saw Jungkook. Finally, a friendly face.
    "Oh. Hello." I said.
    "Why were you running?" He asked. "Are you okay?"
    "Oh yeah TOTALLY! I SOOO wasn't running from some guy who I just saw murder someone! I'm perfectly fine!"
    Is what I wanted to say. But instead, I said that I was fine. I could tell he didn't believe me at all. We said goodbye, and started to walk away until I heard another gunshot.
    If I had walked another step, I'd be dead. Luckily, the bullet went straight past me and shattered the glass of the corner store. That's when Jungkook grabbed me by my waist and slung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and ran. In this process, Jungkook accidentally grabbed a part of my backside that should not have been grabbed.
    "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" I screeched.
    "Sorry!" He said. "I'm trying to save you! You should be thanking me!
    "What I should be doing is suing you for groping me, you pervert!" I said.
    "It's not my fault!" He said. "Your butt is too big!"
    "EXCUSE ME?!" I screamed. I was just about done with this kid, and really close to smacking some sense into him. Actually, probably just smacking him. I honestly think he put my butt by his face on purpose when he picked me up. 
    Jungkook ran for a little bit longer, and then stopped. He hoisted me off of his shoulders and set me down. I looked around to see that we were by an apartment complex.
    "Where are we?" I asked
    "Home sweet home!" He said.
    "Is this the back entrance?" I asked. I'd never even knew there was one.
    "Yep!" Jungkook said. "Now you're safe and sound!"
    "Um, okay then." I said. "Thanks." And I walked inside. When I got to my apartment, I opened the door and fell on the couch. I'd realized that I'd left the door open, and went to go close it. After that, I walked into the bedroom, and went to bed.

    "How'd it go?" Jin asked.
    "Good, but I think she's gonna sue me for sexual harassment." Jungkook said.
    "Did you like, grab her butt or something?" asked Jin.
    "Yeah." He said.
    "Oooh!" Jin said.
    "SHUT IT." The younger said, blushing.
    "Don't lie, you wanna do it again." Jin said
    "How about no?" J-Hope asked. "She hit me over the head really hard!"
    "YOU aren't the one that got shot, now are you!?" V said. "And I thought I threw that stupid mask away!"
    "THAT WAS YOU!?"
    "Oh thanks a lot Taehyung!" Jin said. "You weren't supposed to tell him!"
    "It wasn't my fault!" V countered. "And don't call me that!"
    "You all need to shut your mouths before I rip out your tongues." Said a sleepless and grouchy Yoongi.
    "Sorry." They said.

    I'm on vacation, so when I upload it might be at like, midnight for some people. Unless you're 6 hours ahead from Chicago, then u r good!

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