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    "Grandma, please stop crying." cried an exasperated Namjoon.

    The 67 year old woman had been crying for what seemed like hours. The rest of the group were trying to concentrate and figure out ways to rescue Charlotte. Unfortunately, it was getting hard to do so, because of the crying.

    "Grandma, PLEASE." Namjoon cried.

    The elderly woman finally stopped sniveling. Namjoon calmed her down some more so she could speak.

    "T-there's something you need to know about C-Charlotte." She sniffed.

    "What is it?" Namjoon asked.

    "Her name isn't Charlotte."

    "What is her real name?" He asked.

    She paused.

    "It's Chae."

Jaws dropped. Charlotte was the heir to the biggest gang in Korea?


    A game. He kidnapped me for a game. This is absurd. My blood was boiling at this point. I will not sit here and take this.

    "Release me. Now." I commanded.

    He laughed.

    "You aren't in charge here, Chae."

    "Shut the hell up with your cryptic bullshit!" I yelled.

    I started pulling at my restraints. I was determined to make this bastard think I was crazy. He started laughing again. He pressed something in his pocked. I jolted in surprise. He had shocked me.

    "The shock power will increase if you don't cooperate." He stated.

    "I've been through much worse, ass wipe."

    I jolted again. Stupid bastard.

    "The power will also increase every time you curse."

    Oh for fucks sake. That right there is taking away my first amendment right to free speech. Somebody get Alexander Hamilton in here, because we have some debating to do.

    "That's not fair nor is it ethical." I said matter o factly.

    "Life's not fair and I don't care." He countered.

[Ooh, bars!]

    "Author! Does this look like the time?" I screeched.

[No, but it rhymed...
But seriously, 'Life's not fair?' Come on Baekhuyn, stop trying to be my mom, you loser.]

    "Hey..." Said Baekhyun.

    "Ha! I know your name now!" I teased.

    "Stupid author..." he mumbled under his breath.

[Dont make me erase you completely! I do control this story you turkey!]

    "I don't exactly feel threatened by someone who just called me a turkey..." said Baekhyun.

    "Can we focus?" I said.

    "Oh. You."


    I'd had it. I stood up with the chair attached to me, and slammed it back down. Thank god for wooden chairs being so breakable.

    I brushed off the debris and turned to my captor.

    "You ruined my plan." He said.

    "Oh boo hoo. Am I supposed to feel bad?" I cooed.

    Apparently I was, because Baekhyun charged at me and punched me in the face, which was hard enough to knock me out.


    "Mother trucker, dude!" Jungkook exclaimed.

    "Mother trucker is right, how did you know this Ms. Kim?" questioned Yoongi.

    "Because her grandfather is my brother." Said Ms. Kim.

    "We're related?!" Namjoon yelled.

    "There goes your chance with Charlotte." Said Hoseok.

    Namjoon glared at his friend. He started to pace around the room. How was he just learning about this just now? And how were they going to find their missing neighbor and his cousin? Great cousin? He had no idea just how that worked, but he didn't have time to think about it.

"Grandma, where do you think she could be?" He asked.

"If what you say is true, and she is with Baekhyun, then she would be in an abandoned warehouse." Said Grandma Kim.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the boy is so unoriginal and boring, he has to get his evil catchphrases from all the scary movies he watches." She said.

Snickers emitted from the broken room. Namjoon had almost forgotten that the rest of his team was there.

[So had the author. Only for a second though!]

They all shook their heads at the pitiful author. Namjoon turned to his friends.

"Let's go find our neighbor." Said Namjoon triumphantly.

"Yeah!" Yelled the rest of the group.


I woke up to a stinging pain. I hissed and tried to move away. A strong arm held me in place.

"You really should've let him go through with his plan. He gets touchy with those types of things." a calming voice said.

I looked over. There was a man with dreads in his hair. What the heck?

"Are you confused by the dreads?" He asked.


"I lost a bet." He admitted. "Im Kai, by the way."

    "Chae." I replied.

    Kai finished tending to my wound and sat back.

    "You're all set!" He said with a clap. "Unfortunately, you have a 'date' with Baekhyun."

    I groaned. "Knock me out again, please."

    Kai chuckled and walked away, leaving me by myself.


    "Type faster!"

    "Look harder!"


    "THEN STOP STRESSING ME OUT!" said a distressed maknae.

    The group had been looking at a collection of past jobs involving the newly re-incarnated Baekhyun. And by the group, this just meant Jungkook. He was typing as fast as he could, but it just wasn't fast enough for his hyungs.

    Namjoon was pacing the small apartment the 7 men shared. He was still processing that his neighbor, that he had known so little about, was his cousin. He started to feel a pang of guilt. He should've talked to her more. He should've kept talking to her that day she was in the hallway.

    "Don't blame yourself, Joon." said Yoongi. "We'll find her."

    "You couldn't be anymore correct, Yoongi-hyung!" said an excited Kookie. "I think I've found the right place!"

    Semi-hiatus. I think I'll add that to the title so I don't completely throw everyone off.
Also, added a little bit of humor in the story. But don't worry, it'll get dark soon.


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