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    My hand hurts after Baekhyun found me once Kai left. He basically dragged me behind him and kept a tight grip on my wrist. It was annoying how possessive he was.

    "Where are you taking me?" I asked.


I hate his snarky remarks. I hate everything about him. I hate how I'm being dragged through this dirty warehouse. At least I can see where we're headed. There's a little table with plates and a candle.

"What is this?" I ask.


I hate this man. He led me to my seat.

"Ready?" He asked.

"For what." I asked in monotone.

"Our date."


"You got the location already?!" said Namjoon.

"I think so!" Said Jungkook.

The group jumped with joy. They tracked the warehouse down and got the directions. They got in the van, grandma Kim and all, and drove to the location.


    "I don't want to go on a date with YOU." I pouted.

    "I didn't ask you if you wanted to or not." He replied stone-faced.

    I sighed. I didn't want to be here. It was cold and dark. We were sitting at a small table with a red tablecloth, usual table wear and a candle. It would've been nice if it weren't for the fact that I was kidnaped and there was music and more light.

Baekhyun got up. "I'll get our food."

He walked over to me. Out of his pocket, he pulled out a rope and tied me to the chair.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"You're quite a handful, so I can't have you escaping." He replied.

I scoffed. I was not having any of this. I noticed that Baekhyun was close to me and my legs were untied. I kicked him in the shin. He started jumping up and down like an angry leprechaun. I kicked him again, but missed. He smacked me across the face.

He snatched the plates and walked away angrily. The nerve of him. Out of anger, I started thinking of ideas. I remembered this show, where a girl was tied up in a wooden chair. She did this thing where she stood up, chair and all and dropped down hard and broke the chair and got out of the rope.

It was a long shot, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Luckily, I was in a wooden chair. I stood up, and slammed down on the floor. The chair shattered into splinters. I freed myself from the rope and ran.

I ran down a dark hallway. I made sure I was quiet and to look around corners carefully. I finally saw a door with a light on. I peaked through its window. The light was coming from multiple monitors. I tried the handle. It was unlocked. I carefully and quietly opened the door. No one was in the room.

I looked closely at the monitors. Their screens were lit with green images. I recognized one of the scenes as where I just was. The table was there and to my worry, Baekhyun too. I saw him look around and then drop the plates he was holding on the floor. I giggled to keep my nerves down, because I had just escaped whatever Baekhyun was going to do to me. I backed up so I could see the monitors. I saw one of an exit.

"That one is actually a painting, so it definitely won't open."

I jumped so hard I almost fell over. Spinning around, I looked to see who it was. There was a guy with blonde hair. He looked like a little kid, but hella tall. Tall boy also had some big shoulders, so I guessed that he could easily pick me up and throw me over them like a pillow.

He smiled slightly. "Sorry about that. I'm Sehun."

"Hi." I said quietly.

"This is kinda awkward, but I've gotta take you back." Sehun said apologetically.

I nodded. He came closer and put a zip tie around my wrist.

"That's so Baekhyun doesn't get all bent out of shape. But here's a tip. if he ever uses these, just put your nail here." He said pointing to a little piece on the base on the zip tie.

"What does it do?" I asked.

"It loosens the tooth on the end so you can slide out of them." He replied, putting me over his shoulder.

"Thanks." I said.

We walked back to Baekhyun. On the way back, Sehun told me to pout so it would look like he did a good job stopping me.

"There you are!" Baekhyun said.

    "Found her in the surveillance room." boomed Sehun. I was shocked at how deep his voice was.

    "Well, good job. She will surely receive a punishment."

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