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    I woke up earlier that usual. It was 5 in the morning. I decided to drag myself out of bed and take a shower. After, I made myself eggs and bacon, and turned in the TV.
"Now onto today's topic, a man was found brutally murdered in an alleyway. The security footage shows the man being dumped into an empty alley. A few seconds after, a flashlight beam can be seen, and a woman comes into view." The news reporter said.
A woman? Are they talking about me? I whipped my head around to look at the screen. Sure enough, I could see me, hovering over the man from the night before, and then running.
"If you have any information about this crime, call-." I shut the TV off. What if the people who did this find me? I could end up like that man!
Buzz. Buzz.
It was Seulgi. She had been my best friend since high school. I found out that we were going to the same college on the first tour of the campus.

Best Girl💖: Just saw the news. poor dude.
Me: yeah...
Best Girl💖: lady looked must've been terrified!
Me: I was
Best Girl💖: WHAT
Me: call meh
Best Girl💖: oh definitely
    After a few seconds, my phone rang.
    "You wanna tell me what happened?" Lee-sun asked.
    "I was just walking home, when I heard this loud thud. I went to go investigate, and I saw the guy." I answered.
"That was so stupid! What if you were followed?!"
I didn't even think about that until now. Screw the people finding me in the news, all they needed to do was break down my door!
    "If so, I'm getting a gun, pepper spray, security cameras and an alarm system." I said.
    "They tore off half of a man's face. HIS FACE!" Seulgi screeched.
"I know, I know." I said. "I just hope what you say about being followed isn't true."

Unknown POV
"She's suspicious."
"No s**t, Sherlock."
"Pepper spray? How old is she, 50?"
There's a collection of laugher throughout the room.
"Good thing we'll be living next door."

Oooooh, spoopy! Jk, but this is what I get from watching Law & Order, NCIS and Criminal Minds. Thanks a lot Shemar Moore.😑 Anyway, hope you liked the story.


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