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Dear miss Gillon,

I am happy to congratulate you on landing your final placement in such a prestigious company. I am sure that you will learn much and put your skills to good use during your time. You should be proud of your efforts in getting you this once in a lifetime opportunity. I look forward to hearing from your clinical facilitator on your progress. Please find attached details of your paid flights, accommodation and transport.

Dr. Alex Chan
College of Medicine and Health

I re -read the email for what was probably the seventy second time. How? How was I entered by my lectures into the running for this?


I shook my head. I may be ungrateful, but putting ice on the limbs of wrestlers was not going to gain me the practical experience I needed to be the best theatre nurse there is. Sighing, I ran my hands though my hair. I didn't even put this down on my preference list. Theatre was my preference, my one and only preference. It was safe to say that my entire tute group hated me because I got picked and they didn't. They can happily take my place if they want.

I was in no position to start flying around the country with a bunch of people that could snap me in half with one hand. Did the heads of the department even read my file? Surely they would have read those three little words under my name.
Mental health condition

There was no use in arguing about it, I had tried everything I could think of. My dog died, my nan died, my mums sick, I'm my nephews babysitter. Nothing worked. Of course I couldn't just say I didn't want to go, I'm a high distinction student and heading for the honours list.
This kind of ignorance would take my straight off that path, and I didn't work so hard the last three years for nothing.

I fly out to Melbourne tomorrow morning, and still haven't packed a thing for the next six weeks. I was honestly hoping that the head of the faculty would call me and tell that it was some kind of sick joke. I soon realised when I received the email at 9am this morning that it was no sick joke, and was in fact happening and real.

What do you even need for six weeks? I stared cluelessly at my open wardrobe, hoping that something would jump out at me and point me in the right direction. I didn't need any medical supplies of small equipment, all that was provided, thankfully. The only thing I had on my bed ready pack was my stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. They were one of the last things my grandmother ever gave me, and using a different stethoscope is just strange. Whilst blankly starring at my hung clothes and thought how much do I even need for six weeks? I was the kind of person to overpack, but this was not the time to be doing that. I wasn't just being judged on my skills to help someone or save their life, I was being judged for me.

I only had one medium sized suitcase and bag so that was my limit, which when you think of six weeks worth of outfits it is not a lot of clothes. Taking a deep breath I knew there was only one way I was going to be ready for tomorrow, and that was to wing it. Surprisingly, I winged my entrie way though uni.

Until now.

Opening the suitcase I threw in all my jeans which was only six pairs, two pairs of tights and theee pairs of trackies. Knowing I would probably pack after I had chosen all my clothes, I stared at half of my winter wardrobe with slight horror, I really didn't have that much. I turned back around and grabbed a couple of jackets, falnnys, and cardigans, all my jumpers was only five, and a bunch of tee shirts and long sleeve shirts. This alone was 70% of my wardrobe. I added some sports tights and a small black dress, before properly packing my bras, underwear and socks. You could say that half my fortnightly youth allowance went to pay for the on campus accomodation I've lived in the past three years. I don't eat much, only consume over priced coffee in the mornings.
I planned to spend today revising for the exams coming up in a few months. These exams would make or break me and I needed to do well. Since I got that email all I could do is stress. I would barely sleep tonight.

I was awake at four, ready and packed. I looked through my bags to check if I forgot anything which wasn't really possible as all the clothes I owned were in these bags. I worked well in the stressful environment of a clinical setting, but this was no clinical setting. There was no hospital ward or medical team. I wanted to leave for the airport as soon as I got dressed, but couldn't leave until seven when the taxi arrived.

By the time I had carried my bag and wheeled my suitcase from the taxi to the departures of the airport, I had already regretted putting my shoes and heavy items in the bag and not the suitcase. "Lets just hope the next six weeks are better" I mumbled to myself before waking over to check in. The taxi was late which made me nearly miss check in, which had just added to my day. These kind of things send me into a spin, that I usually struggle to get out of.

I hated planes. And I hated airports. I don't know why. But here I am nervously twiddling my fingers whilst my right leg subconsciously bounces up and down. An older lady shoots me a look form across the departure lounge, I shrug my shoulders. What? It's not my fault I'm terrified of flying, and now I have to spend six weeks doing it. An announcement came over that we would be boarding in ten minutes. I thought I had better do some form of research into who I would be caring for. Typing  'WWE' into the Instagram search bar, I was more than shocked at the amount of different people that were on the page. Did I have to know and remember all of them? I hope not. I'm terrible with names,  yet I'm a student nurse. I clicked on a few photos, looking at the different types of people I would most likely be seeing. Some guy who looked like a Viking and wrestles like one too, Braun Strowman. He honestly scared me. Some KO guy who looked like he was only wrestling because everyone felt sorry for him. The last photo I looked at was someone holding up a white championship belt, with the caption
@wwerollins is the new intercontinental champion! #burnitdown

Intercontinental championship, what the hell is that? The guy called Rollins looked pretty cute, but he looked like he fuckboy type and I had a feeling I would be seeing him. Curiously, I clicked on his profile. There wasn't much on there, just mostly gym and workout posts. With my finger hovering over the screen I bit the bullet and clicked follow. He won't know who I am anyway. My research was interrupted by an over enthusiastic boy jumping in the seat next to me.

"You like Seth Rollins?!" He basically screamed, I opened my mouth to reply but he had already begun screaming again. "Isn't the shield just the best?! I'm so excited to see them!" He screamed before his mother hurled him away.

The shield? Who the hell is the shield. Thankfully, we were starting to board and walked though the gate in what would be the most interesting and challenging six weeks of my life.

This is short, I know.
But it's basically a filler on how she ended up on the tour with them, and a little bit about who she is.

This will contain mentions of mental health illnesses such as depression and will mention things like self harm and substance abuse. If this offends you, then don't read.

There will also be alcohol, swearing and sexual references.

In this, Seth did betray the shield. But it will be set after they reunited. They will be wrestling together as a group again. Remember, it's just a story, and there will be matches that probably and most likely didn't happen,

I also have no idea about how things happen backstage, so I'm just making it up. Any hateful comments will be deleted. I'm not the best writer, and you've read better, but please keep in mind that everyone starts somewhere.

I'm not in any way insinuating that Seth or any other of the boys in this are the way I say that they are, again it's just a story I made up.

Updates will be a bit slow to start with, as I'm a busy person, but please tell me what you think!

From now on the chapters will be longer.


Also ready my poetry series 'Confinding in you' it's very dark and depressing, so read at your own risk.


Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now