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I groaned at the light that swept through the gaps in the curtains. My morning sickness had acted up again, causing me to miss last weeks shows. I was now four months pregnant, and couldn't wait for it to be over. I wanted the old me back. All the emotions, the cravings, sickness and weight gain. I just wanted it to be over. Today we had our gender reveal scan, but Colby wouldn't find out the gender, only me. I convinced Colby to let me tell him in a different way that was more special, and I honestly hadn't come up with that way. I thought about it as I stoked the hair of a sleeping Colby. I wanted it to be different. No balloon popping with coloured glitter, or cake with coloured icing inside. I wanted to incorporate wrestling into it somehow, but had no idea how too. Somehow, Colby got the rest of the week off, and only had to do Monday night raw, so we had the week to ourselves. Colby had demanded that after we found out the gender, we start decorating the babies room and buy clothes. I think in one way he's more excited than me.

I had to do something out of the box. I didn't want it to be public, so no in ring announcement. This was so much harder than I thought. I was in my own little world when Colby woke, scrolling through pinterest, trying to find a unique gender reveal. Colby had shifted and laid on his side as he watched me constantly shake my head at the photos on my screen.

"No, no, no."

A chuckle made me snap my head towards Colby.

"Having fun?" He laughed, running his hand up and down my arm. I groaned in response and continued my search. "You know, you could just tell me the gender at the hospital."

I immediately interjected, "no." Colby was desperate to know, but I wasn't giving in that easy. Whilst trying to ignore Colby, I found the perfect way. There was no way I could pull it off on my own, so I guess I would have to call in a lunatic. It was the perfect way to incorporate wrestling into the announcement, which is Colby's life. I had no actual idea how it would work, but the shield always came up with ways around the impossible.

"You, get dressed, you have a class soon" I lectured, pointing towards the door. I knew I couldn't keep it from Colby for long, so I would half to do it tomorrow.

Colby pouted at me, throwing back the covers. "Well you better get dressed cause you're coming with me." He picked up a pair of shorts off the floor and brought them to his nose before nodding and putting them on. I couldn't believe him. Colby had no idea what a laundry basket was, apparently didn't know how to use it either. I was constantly finding dirty clothes on the floor or having Colby complain that he had no clean gym clothes. I figured whilst Colby took his class I could piece together our gender reveal. I would have to finalise the finishing touches, mainly the colour of the gender, whist Colby was in the shower.

I cooped myself up in the bathroom at black and brave. I couldn't risk Colby seeing what I wad doing. Although it wasn't the most comfortable space, the toilet floor did provide space from the constant sound of weights dropping. Since our gender reveal was this week, Jon and Joe were thankfully in town and I could turn them into my minions.

I messaged Joe and asked him if he was at the hotel with Jon. As I waited for a reply I made a list of everything I needed him to go and get; white balloons, white streamers and a white backdrop. Everything needed to be plain. There was one fault to my plan. I needed a ring. We didn't have one. Despite the fact I did not want to have my baby shower here, it was the only place I knew of that had a ring.

Sneaking around the corner I waved for Marek's attention. He raised his eyebrow but came over to me anyway.

"What's going on and why are you hiding?" He asked me as I peeped my head out the toilet door.

"I need help with the baby shower" I blurted, unsure of what to say. Marek gave me a funny look. "I need to use the ring, for Colby to find out the gender" I added.

Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now