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Have you ever had those people in your life that are like you best friends then one minute later, they're your worst enemy. That is basically me with every crew member right now. Who new a simple relationship, which had nothing to do with anyone could cause so many problems.

I sat crying on the floor of the hotel gym for what felt like hours. Colby held me in his arms while I just sobbed and sobbed. To be honest, I don't even know why I was crying so much. I wasn't close to any of the crew members, hell I didn't even know any of them by name. The fact that people talked about me in such a way when they didn't even know me affected me so much I was thinking of pulling out of the tour.
Colby had eventually ushered me into our hotel room, holding me tight in his arms whilst we laid on the bed in silence until sleep took over.

Maybe this would be the end of us. I had no idea what Colby was thinking. I was too scared to turn and see his face. Maybe he had decided after all this drama that our relationship isn't worth it. I mean after all, he could have anyone. He could have anyone who wasn't as emotionally unstable and mentally damaged as me. Maybe I should be the one to call things off, make it easier. I would half to go back to going to and from the arena with crew and staying in a hotel by myself, but it would probably be easier. I could try and avoid him and hope that he didn't get injure so I didn't half to see him.

By the time Colby moved from behind me, standing up and stretching, I had made up my mind. I would break things off with Colby today. I don't know how, but I'll half to do it.

"I've got meet and greets most of today, wanna come to the arena with me?" Colby asked, grabbing a shirt and jeans from his suitcase. I almost immediately answered yes then remembered that I was breaking things off.

"Um, ah, you know, I'll just go later" I laughed and brushed it off, pulling the doona further over me.

Colby looked over at me confused. "Are you okay?" He asked, waking towards the bed.

No, no, no, stay there.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. "You're acting different" he started, "weird."

I tried to laugh and brush it off again but Colby just frowned. "We'll talk about it after the greets" he dismissed before walking towards the bathroom. I threw myself down on the pillow, huffing.


I wore my usual attire, scrub pants and a black v neck tee shirt. The silence in the car was awkward and uncomfortable between Colby and I. Dean and Roman could sense it too as they kept looking back at us. Colby didn't look at me or talk to me once during the car trip to the arena.

He really wasn't making this any easier.

"You coming to the greets with us, nursey?" Dean asked, trying to break the awkward tension in the car. Roman starred intently at me awaiting my answer.

I opened my mouth to answer but Colby beat me to it. "Yes she is" he said in a harsh tone. I flinched and sunk back into the seat, trying to shift away from Colby as much as I could. My breathing started to increase and I couldn't control it. My heart rate sped up and no matter how hard I tried to relax and wouldn't stop ponding so hard. It was like reliving my nightmares, but only at the hands of the person who swore they would never hurt me. My head started to spin, my eyes widening and flickering trying to regain control of myself. I gripped the door handle as everything felt like it was moving around in a circle.

"Nursey are you alright?" Dean asked leaning over to get a closer look.

"We're pulling into the arena now" I faintly heard Roman say to Dean. I opened my mouth and closed it multiple times attempting to speak.

Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now