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I couldn't help but feel that my life was moving fast, too fast. I sat back on the seat I originally sat on, this time with an engagement ring. This small piece of me thought that he only proposed because I'm pregnant. If that is the case, he can have the ring back. I had too many thoughts going through my head. Maybe he did lie about cheating and proposed to cover up? Or maybe he doesn't want this and and proposed to make himself feel better? I just hoped his parents weren't Christian.

If someone had have told me this is what would have happened in my life four months ago, I would have burst out laughing and told them to keep dreaming. But it was no dream. It was in fact, reality. There was a baby inside me, and there was now an engagement ring on my finger. All I could think of is, why now?

"Ready to go?" Colby asked, standing in front of me. I nodded, taking his hand and walking out of black and brave.

The ride back to Colby's- well our house was silent. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it was obvious that there was something on my mind. I think Colby knew what I was thinking, it was written on his face. Like the promise ring, I think it was spare of the moment. I wasn't adjusting to road life very well. I was tired all the time, constantly bored and hungry. All this could be due to the baby, but morning drives weren't fun when I was vomiting every ten minutes for an hour. We were off to Vegas next, and I knew it wouldn't be fun. I wouldn't be able to enjoy Vegas like everyone else, I couldn't even drink.

"Why don't you go have a shower and I'll cook dinner?" Colby said as we pulled into the drive way.

"Why, saying I stink? You need one more than me" I playfully slapped his arm before getting out.

I did what Colby said anyway, which I seemed to do a lot. Just as I stepped into the shower, Colby appeared. He stripped of his clothes and stepped in behind me.

"Thought you were making dinner" I said as his arms wrapped around my waist.

Colby chucked, "I was but we can't have the chef smelling bad can we?"

I let Colby wash me before he stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist and leaving to make dinner. I sighed and leant against the wall. Our relationship was different. It wasn't the same as it was during those six weeks. I don't know how long I spent just thinking about the differences. I think we've gotten engaged too soon.

"Babe" I faintly heard Colby yell from downstairs. I turned off the taps and got dressed into one of Colby's shirts before slowly making my way downstairs.

"Finally, I thought the food was going to get cold" Colby joked as I sat down. I smiled at him but it dropped as I saw what was on the plate. Meat and greens, again.

"What, what's wrong?" Colby asked with a mouth full of broccoli.

I shook my head, "nothing" I mumbled as I made a face at the bean on my fork.

"You don't like it?" Colby asked slowly, noticing my expression.

"I- I just" I put the fork down. "I just don't eat this Colby" I mumbled. "I know you want me to eat well, but I just can't eat this every day, I hate the sight of broccoli right now."

"But I want you to eat healthy, for the baby" Colby whispered back, confused.

"Colby, there is other food that is healthy that I can't eat that isn't broccoli!" I raised my voice unintentionally. I just wanted to eat something other than broccoli.

"Okay" Colby said slowly. "What do you want?"

I didn't even have to think. "Potato."

Colony nodded slowly, standing to go back to the kitchen.

Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now