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Have you ever had a moment where you're entire world just stops? Like everything around you happens in slow motion? My breath hitched in my throat as I starred at the nervous looking man in front of me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

His words constantly played over in my head as I just stared back at him. My mind was everywhere. Questions shooting back and forth.

"He has a reputation for being a cheater"

"He'll break your heart"

"What will you do when he goes back to America?"

"What will the heads of department think?"

I didn't open my mouth, scared of what might come out. It was one of those moments that you see in a movie. Special effects, the actor looking from left to right in a horrified manner. Colby looked at me with a nervous smile, raising his eyebrow in attempt to push me along. What would people think?
Maybe I should stop caring what people think.

I took a deep breath, and looked up at the man that made me feel things I never thought I would let myself get close enough to feel. "Yes" I whispered, not believing the words that came out of my own lips.

A smirk pulled at his lips, "louder" he demanded with confidence, his hands finding their way to my waist.

"Yes" I yelled, trying not to scream so the whole hotel didn't hear me. I laughed with happiness that I hand never felt before . Colby's famous laugh echoed as he scooped me up, twirling me around as I squealed. Colby's smirk against my neck was something I had never felt before. It felt like love.

An old man poked his head around the wall that separated the two balconies. "Could you two be any louder" he scolded with a look of a disgust. He had a thick American accent, which sounded nothing like Colby's.

I opened my mouth to say something but Colby cut me off. "Oh shut up" Colby replied, flipping off the old man with smirk. My mouth dropped in horror at this side to Colby that I had never seen.

"Colby!" I slapped his chest only to receive a laugh in return.

"What?" He said, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "He ruined the moment" he whispered, his lips almost touching mine. I shrugged in response and kept my focus on his lips. Colby laughed again before closing the gap loudly, making sure the old man heard.

"Don't you have to go to dinner soon?" I asked Colby as we walked back inside the hotel room. Colby turned to face me with a fake sad look as he put his hand across his heart.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" He gasped. I laughed and flipped him off. "Well that won't work because you're coming with me" he said a matter of factly as he searched though his bags. "Get dressed, it's nothing fancy" he added, undoing his belt.

I quickly looked away at anything else but Colby's crotch. As Colby confidently changed in front of me I searched for something to wear to dinner. He said it wasn't fancy, but how not fancy is not fancy? I always tried to dress to the occasion, so knowing the correct plan of events was a must for me.

"What's the occasion?" I called back to colby, not looking at him.

"Just dinner, we try and do it as much as possible to relax from the ring" he said, followed by the doing up of a zipper. I nodded my head and opted for a flanny and a black skirt. I had a mini mental debate on whether to change in front of Colby or go in the bathroom. Colby was confident with his body and that was something that I admired. I on the other hand was far from confident with my body. Not just because of the scars and imperfections, I just saw myself as a very unattractive and damaged person.

Recovery // Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now